hello i'm back

just a little heads up to those who knew me and where rping with me i’m back after my comp got totally fried by the blaster worm virus.damned thing kept shutting down my comp everytime i went on the net.i had to reformat my comp then install a whole crap load of antivirus software.and now my comp is finally up and running even if all my stuff is…is…gone!:too bad;

Okay. Welcome back.

And you are?


Originally posted by GG Crono 4
And you are?

tackle HI!!! I remember you!!!

Um… no idea who you are but hi anyway. And watch out with that worm. (/late advice)

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
And you are?

Originally posted by GG Crono 4
And you are?

Dudes I think he got the message the first time that was posted

Rather than typing it out, they just quote and press OK. :stuck_out_tongue:

I remember you vaguely, though.

er… hi, whoever you are

You were foolish to return. /Vadarvoice


I think I remember you.

Welcome Back.

Originally posted by Heaven’s Soldier
er… hi, whoever you are

Shitty english makes the baby X2K cry. ;.;