Happy birthday, SK

Ya know, when I saw this I immediately thought of this. Heh.

Happy Birthday, SK =D

Haw! The devil’s going to rue that day.

My thanks to everyone.

Sorry about the error, Man, I thought today was FRIDAY.

Oh well, you know what they say, the mind is the first thing to go.

Hope you enjoy your BD anyway. :wave:

Happy birthday. Have a Dekar! ::dekar!::

Happy birthday.

Happy birthday SK, this must be a special one, you seem about four years older than you used to be. :stuck_out_tongue:

Happy birthday!

Happy BDay to the smartest invention since chocolate.

Happy Birthday to you!
I’ll live longer then you!
You’re one year older!
And, one year closer to death too!

SK is a freakish Frankenstein-like creation that goes against Nature and the very sensibility of God Himself? Awesome! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Happy Birthday, you big piece of murderous metal, you!

SK, how old are you?

He’s like, 47, man. Didn’t you know?

Happy Birthday, SK.

Happy Birthday Sephiroth Katana. Have some Messerschmitt beer.

That and so much more…!

N… not… a… a ONE-EYED LASER-SHOOTING CYBORG Frankenstein-like creation that goes against Nature and the very sensibility of God Himself?! :open_mouth:

He’s also a ninja pirate.