Fuck laser weapons. I want my kick ass 50-60" giant robot D=<
The Japanese are working on it, already. Sit down and wait patiently.
With regards to TFA, I guess now the military budget is going to include several billion dollars for insulation and cooling equipment.
<h1>GET ON WITH IT!!</H1>
For some reason I can only feel hate after reading that. Only hate for all humanity.
I am almost hoping the Sun just consumes our puny little planet now, so I don’t have to worry about fucking space wars and lazers and gods know what else.
The whole fucking world needs to be re-educated.
And using the giant “Laser”, I will hold the world ransom for… ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
Open your old Age of Empires 1, start a game, hit Enter and type “photon man” (without the quotes), then hit Enter again. Now check the buddy near your town center and order him to attack something.
This is the first thing that came to my mind when I read the title and the article.
If this was so big and impressive, it’d be more secret than the Manhattan Project. I’m unphased.
You will be when they fire phasers at you!
… sorry, couldn’t resist.
Active Denial System
The body is your Etch-a-Sketch
Just imagine when this technology passes to civilians (by which I mean big companies). They’ll be using that boom box in the sky to sell shit. A commerical that strikes down at you from the sky, impossible to mute or flip away from. The Voice of God commanding people to DRINK PEPSI.
(seriously, that’s like the first application of this technology I thought of when I read that quote, Kraken. :P)
No. The amount of energy needed to do this is just too much.
The waves would have to travel through many miles of atmosphere before reaching the ground, since the source of the sound would be up the ionosphere. Plus, since the area such a thing cover would be so big (and since it’d start in a very low air-density region), the dispersion would be just too much. These two factors already make the energy requirements impossible to meet, and then you add the wind. It is very strong high above the ground. The sound would be so screwed by the wind, anything you said would look like random babbling when hitting the ground.
Darnit, DP. Down, Forward, Downforward + Punch
I’d be happy with just Fusion energy so we could properly equip SCVs and I’d say proper Gauss guns could be made too?
Not to mention the fact I’d love to see a few inventions during this century that aren’t the basis for new military appliances. It all started with fire…
(If this stuff truly requires so much energy, the “Energy-saving tips for the home” link sure comes in handy)
From which game do you want Gauss guns? (If not Half-Life, I mean …)
So…when are we gonna get our own Deathstar?
When will we get the SECOND deathstar?
After the first Death Star is blown up, obviously.
We gotta invent proton torpedoes to do that.