
I speak for all of us!

takes his name off of Charl’s list


Hey 'n stuff.

Originally posted by Charlemagne
I speak for all of us!

Hence the madness.

I am Phoenix Valkyrie, rouge, Master of Five, and otherwise overly serious person.

Now, I shall proceed to relieve you of your belongings. This should only take a moment.

Welcome to RPGC. Embrace the insanity or it will surely consume you.

And belive me, that is quite unpleasant.
Enjoy your stay! :cool:

And remember…do not underestimate the sneakiness. :get it?:

Sneaky boogy doog!

Originally posted by Charlemagne
I speak for all of us!

You don’t speak for me you commie hating son of a bitch

Originally posted by Charlemagne
Hello, will you date me?

Charl you slut! Date me instead! (directed towards Chicky)

[standing right behind Shinobi] Chii!

does the welcome dance

Hi, Chibi…welcome to the boards…

Hey Chibi, I’m the local Guardian angel. So…

Ya know I can’t be bothered right now, but I think you get the drill right. Weapons left at door, have good time, etc…

<IMG SRC=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/zepp/deargod.jpg”>

That was a giggle out loud moment for me

Originally posted by Phoenix Valkyrie
[b]I am Phoenix Valkyrie, rouge, Master of Five, and otherwise overly serious person.

Now, I shall proceed to relieve you of your belongings. This should only take a moment. [/b]

Serious koff

Um… eat the cheese hands her cheese And don’t forget to get your number tatooed on your arm for Cala’s salt mines. dances around so… TOUCH THE SOAP!!!

People like this make me want to die.

The newbie or me?

I’m guessing one of the many 15 year old girls who keep coming and flaunting their “girlish nature” to make really bad subtle sub texts and flirt :stuck_out_tongue: But I could be wrong and that’s just me (I’m mean:yipee: )