Habemus Papam.

Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum! Habemus Papam!

Joseph Ratzinger from Germany: Benedict XVI

Let’s see what will come out of this…

Good one Pier, I thought he looked a little scary at first too :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you people even know Latin, or do you have this translator dude interrupting.(it is sorta confusing because you have to try to think about both languages at once , and the translations even being a little off is confusing.)

Looked a little scary at first? He’s always gonna look scary, especially after John Paul II, the Mr. Rogers of Popes.

Heil Führer Ratzinger!

This just in: The new Popes Panzer Div. take over Rome. Italian government resigns; Ratzinger gets renamed to Pope Adolfus I.

yes this is awesome, John Paul the II was an anti-communist ******, and now he have an ex-member of the Hitlerjugend(Hitler’s Youth) who is a fascist right-winger extremist…awesome!

yuhu for the church…"%·&·$/·"$"&/***!!!

Just because a person dislikes communism doesn’t make them a bad person. As Kamikaze can tell you.
Get. Over. It.

Relax. Renwan gets emotional sometimes.

Yay for moronic stereotipes.

like i care, i still not been prooven wrong on anything i have said regarding Politics or History,and I can proove you that John Paul was bad, not because he was anti-communist but because of his extremism regarding Condoms etc etc…


Pretty much every male youth in Germany was forced to join the Hitlerjugend. Ratzinger’s biographer noted he was a rather unenthusiastic member, but I’ll just go ahead and guess that that will be dismissed as a lie and propaganda.

He was bad because he didn’t approve of condoms? I’m surprised Durex or Trojan didn’t sue the man.

Maybe his methods were just traditional? =P

Am I the only one that thinks it stupid for the new pope to only be 4 years younger than the one that just died?

He’s probably just meant to be a transitional pope, Info. They do that sometimes.

It’s not stupid. When all the Cardinals can’t agree perfectly on what will be the church’s agenda for the next period, they choose someone who they know will kick the bucket soon to buy some time.

Haha clever.

So is it true, that the next two Popes that we go through, will bring about the apocalypse?

The Malachy Prophecy is just a bunch of vague names that retroactively fit into some obscure part of the Pope’s life. Think of it like a newpaper horoscope but for Popes.

I think there is supposed to be another Pope, then the Black Pope and then we all go boom. Then again, we were supposed to go boom back in 1999 so draw your own conclusions.