So I got Guild Wars yesterday, and installed it, no problem, on my computer. Then, I made an account, again, no problems. I go to play it, and the screen turns black during the fuckin’ intro movie. The sound is still playing, but the LED light on the bottom of my monitor is orange, as if the computer were off, but the monitor had been left on.
I tried again, and, since it assumed I’d seen the intro movie, it went right into the game. I figured it was an intro movie bug, and went about starting the character. I moved approximatley six paces, and the same thing happened; black screen, sound in the background, orange LED light. I move the mouse, clicking randomly, and can here the footsteps, so the game is still playing.
I meet all the system reccomendationsfor the game, the only one where I’m even close is in the video card, but it’s still far, far above the requirements, and still above the reccondation.
I looked on the website, and none of it’s support issues apply. I’m not running XP 64, either.
Which means, there is no legitimate reason for it to crash like this.
Anyone have any ideas?