Greetings, New here

I agree.

ok, you guys got a little to involved in this. But hell what can I say, this is fairly amusing and making me giggle over here. I know somebody else I know ‘dear’ to heart is well also.

Eh. We have nothing better to do. That’s why Sin pretends to be the Green Ranger and I vintage Patrick McGoohan.

How come I never got any of these so-called ‘coolness points’?

Is it because they don’t actually exist?


(Oh and welcome, etc.)

Lol… and should I get the power-rangers theme song going… “Go, go power ranger!” lol sorry I had to do that, FLASH BACK! anways… twiddles thumbs innocently

Gives Liadan a mace

Here, you’ll need this to bludgeon the guys if they get too close. And with that being said…

Welcome! Enjoy forum-ing! :smiley:

Could almost start a like-meter with your first post.
Hello and welcome. ^^ Nice to meet you.

Nice! Thank you Trillian, and Kairi. I will keep the mace close to heart when needed. I am not worried though. I already know somebody on this form who lives in my dorm at school. But whatever.

I still say you look like Maz, but that’s not a bad thing really.

hands you a coupon for a free headchewing You may now commence petting the kitty and feeding him Pixy Stix.

You better do it. That kitty’s crazy, man. We really need to get him neutered.

Anywho, welcome to the RPGC. From the looks of things, you’re gonna fit in juuust fine. :hahaha;

Oh! Hi kitty? pet pets? I am very worried, indeed I wondered if I ventured into the twilight zone, and I know my little friend that I know where is prob. reading this thread going. Oh My God!
I AM NOT going to ask him!

GG, those who attempt to neuter me will get neutered first.

And about those pixy stix? flashes the cute kitty eyes

welcome. apparently since youre more of a chatterbox than me you will be just fine here

Well you want to know the funny thing about this chatter box deal. Its kind of sad when you sit infront of your compture doing your Work, and making sure your updated on your own thread. yes yes, I have no life today, I know. But we all get those days dont we?

throws pixie sticks!!!

Was that a good Idea?

YOU FOOL! YOU’VE DAMNED US ALL! hides under desk

sure i love pixie sticks. they taste like flavored sugar =)

&eats the Pixy Stix and starts twitching

And hi.

Dooming is fun though! lol. Ok I am insane now

And what the hell is with all those pictures! and why is Sin in the middle?

Wiat I see it now. Nevermind

Sin is the sum total of all the good aspects of those people sublimed into one person.