Gorillaz - Demon Days

This album fucking owns. Get it now.

Dare, Kids with Guns, Feel Good Inc, and Dirty Harry are my favourite tracks.

<3 Gorillaz

does it have new songs, or is it like the best of gorilaz. I most likely will get it, i enjoy the gorillaz soo.

nvm. I see now.

Brand new songs.

I really like Feel Good, Inc.
funky little ditty.
and a beat you can dance to. :moonwalk: :moogle: :runaway: :biggrin:

sweet, i might buy it, or get it off a friend. most likely get a copy form a friend. lol im sooo cheap.

Gorillaz is awsome, and I can’t stop watching the Feel Good Inc. music video. -_-

I’ve been thinking about getting it. I’m a fan of Damon Albarn’s work in Blur, and I’m glad that his career has taken such a new course.

Hurrah, Gorillaz!

Last Living Souls was pretty good.
It was an acceptable soundtrack, but I wouldn’t go as far as saying “It f*cking pwns!”.

I bought it today, it’s good… but damn it’s fuckin’ weird o_O

I already got it, and it does indeed rock.

Hmm. I generally don’t listen to popular music, but I suppose if I want to make popular music …