Good 2 player snes games

That’s what I’m looking to try out. I have street fighter 2 and legend of the mystical ninja though haven’t gotten too far on it. Any and all 2 player games not just fighter ones would be nice.


Secret of Mana.
Bomberman 2.
Pocky & Rocky.
Sunset Riders.

Just to name a couple.

I have many good memories of playing Top Gear and Super Bomberman with my roommate and his pals at university.

Mario Kart, Conta 3, Turtles 4: Turtles in Time, Double Dragon.

Some may not like it, but I like the Nickelodeon Guts game. I had fun playing it with my cousins when it came out.

Let me think…Secret of Mana, Mario Kart, Final Fantasy VI (yes, this is a two player game), Tetris Attack (I think), Seiken Destisu 3, Secret of Evermore (I think you need a hack for that), Super Mario World, Genghis Khan II, Gemfire, and some other titles I can’t think of.

Super Bomberman is the way to go. The multiplayer is fun as hell.

How could Zombies Ate My Neighbors! go unmentioned?

Tetris Attack, Super Bomberman 2, Top Gear, and the various SNES fighting games are what I’ve always played.

NHL 95 >_>

The Donkey Kong Country series is pretty good for tag-team play.
Rock 'n Roll Racing, if you can find it.
Final Fight (any)
Super Tennis

I’ve never been into sports games, but I have to sa Super Soccer was da bomb!
And it had awesome 2P too… You have to love soccer!


Clay Fighters
Super Mario Kart

All the rest I can think of off-hand are already mentioned…

Mortal Kombat

Super Ninja Boy
Metal Warriors
Any DKC game
Top Gear
Super Mario All Stars
Super Mario Kart
TMNT 4: Turtles in Time
Super Double Dragon
Tetris Attack!
Kirby’s Dream Course
Kirby Super Star