Looks like David Hayter’s busying himself with yet ANOTHER movie-based-on-comic script. “The Watchman”? never heard of it. How many of these fuckers must we endure before we finally get to see MGS on the big screen?
The Watchmen… I’ve read that. It deals with some world that has outlawed non-government agent superheroes and some weird stuff involving Oxymandias. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes, X.
True. It would make for a confusing movie, and if some plot points were left out, the comic bookers would riot. Most likely, only the comic bookers would understand it unless handled well.
Speaking of comic book movies, I heard a whole crap load of Crossgen comics are going to be adapted to movies. If they make Brath or Sojourn suck… I won’t do anything, but I’ll be pretty pissed off.
Originally posted by MegamanX2K Unless Kojima gets involved.
Sakaguchi was involved with Final Fnatasy and it still bombed in the theaters (despite how much I like it). Besides, you saw how much fans disliked any change from the norm when Raiden was introduced. I thought that Raiden was fine and was an interesting character since he was new to the MG universe, but that didn’t matter in the long run. Long story short, the movie would bomb. Not only that, but as SG said, MG games are already very cinematic. MG games have been said that there is too much cinema and not enough gameplay, so why take away the gameplay and leave only cinema?