I hope you turned images off in your browser beforehand.
Originally posted by Epicgamer
I hope you turned images off in your browser beforehand.
"Christmas Island Internet Administration Limited* (CIIA) is a community owned non-profit Christmas Island company.
The domain: “[you all know it- link omitted]” has been suspended by the registry.
Generally this is due to a lapsed registration or violation of policies."
And no, I’ve seen the pic before. It can only scar me once.
And Astral showed me a worse pic. Lets just say it involved a chicken.
Tubgirl, IMO, is much worse than goatse, although not as widely known it seems.
Originally posted by Cybercompost
And Astral showed me a worse pic. Lets just say it involved a chicken.
Ahh… that was Zero’s fault. ;_;
I never actually got to see this goatse thing. But I think the other stuff people have shown me makes it pale in comparison. shivers
blast, and here I was thinking Xelo was going to be up the creek without a paddle.
Originally posted by Cybercompost
[b]I tested it. It is, indeed, down. Its not the Central Intelligence Agency, though.And there is always Tubgirl… [/b]
No, it’s not. I just tested it too. It’s up. I don’t know if you closed it before it loaded (it takes a while) or if something screwed up in your browser. (I tested it with minimized browser so that I could only see a strip of the top part of the actual image itself :P)