
It’s worth killing for, at least after ep. three or so when Akabane Kurodo shows up. A polite psycho-bishie in a black coat and a wide hat, and his body full of scalpels? Whee! Not to mention that Ginji is just adorable :slight_smile: Heck, most of the characters are, they’re a wonderful, lively bunch using their superpowers for rather odd jobs - retrievers, negotiators, couriers, protectors, settlers…
And this show has the bishiest bishies I’ve ever seen. Oi.

I’ve heard of this s few times, never really bothered to find out what it was about. Now I may. :smiley:

Do that. You won’t regret it, trust me :smiley: Ban and Ginji will often appear as rather goofy, but just wait until they get into the real action scenes.
‘Sides, they make such a cute couple :slight_smile: But I swear, the scalpel-psycho is hitting on both of them - while trying to cut both the boys into mincemeat.
“While in Mugenjou I admired Ginji’s power and I was a little unfaithful to you, Ban-kun. I assure you though that my fascination for you remain.”
And that is when you turn around and RUN FOR YOUR FRICKIN’ LIFE!

I think that they’re parodying DBZ in a way too; on several occassions people are shouting at each other - mainly Ban - to bring out their real powers. Thing is, it never happens :smiley: Nobody with superpowers ever seem to reach 100%.

Oh, and Kazuki is a man. The faster you accept it, the better. Oi.

Anything that parodies DBZ is cool. I shall hunt down this series forthwith!

Wheeee! We’re watching this in Duquesne’s anime club right now, started at episode 11 or 12 and we’ve gone to where they just split off to fight Makuba X’s 6. Chibi Ginji is hilarious, especially when paired with Akabane.

I’m well aware that Kazuki is a man, but what is Ren the pharmacist? I can’t figure out which would make more sense, being a guy or a girl. I also can’t decide which is funnier.

I THINK Ren is a girl, but I might be wrong :stuck_out_tongue: Either case is funny considering all, though I think Kazuki seem to have people of all kinds declaring him love in one way or another…

And oh yes, Ginji is just adorable as a chibi. He’ll be super-cute in the beginning of the next longer story arc, Venus de Milo. People even pick him up as if he was a plushie :slight_smile: Enough to make even an anti-fangirl melt.

Where’d you get it btw? I can’t find any torrents or anything.

raises hand She got it from me.

It’s been licenced if I remember correctly, so you probably won’t find any torrents, but try at Suprnova. Otherwise I surgest you search with DC.

heeeell yeah, I read the manga up to the point where they’re trying to get half of what is in this mystery box, by doing this old man a favour. I havent checked if they uploaded new episodes for months. I will do that now.

Oooh, I wanna get my hands on the manga. Charle, could you post a link?

I finally got to watch the first ten episodes. I was absolutely giddy at the end of the eight one. At least, I’m pretty sure that’s the right number. The one with the blind violinist girl. giggle fit

Ahem. Well, now having seen the beginning of the series, I understand quite a bit more. There were a whole bunch of little things that I didn’t pick up on in episodes 11-16 that I didn’t notice the first time I saw them. Also, Ren IS a girl, they mention that almost as soon as she’s introduced, and it comes up again later on (episode 19 or so). Go Kazuki.