German teenage killers inspired by "killer game FFVII"

This is just screwed up. FF7 is one of the least violent games out there, as far as games that involve killing people go. Calling FF7 a game that drives kids to killing people is like calling a nuclear meltdown safe.

No, no, it’s video games we’re blaming. Play Tron 2.0 instead.

He could always play Kingdom Hearts 2. Then he gets Tron AND FF7.

Ooh, good point.

But Germany has some of the best board games ever :frowning:

Wow, that is still going on? Jeez :frowning:

Nazi science sneers at board games!

Yup. For almost a month now. They wanted to have it fixed by mid- january, but in many parts of beijing there are still problems. Dunno about the rest of the country. At our school, the internet isn’t working at all (except for like, google, but a search page is no good if you can’t load the links you’re clicking on), at my and my friends’ houses youtube and various other pages aren’t working, especially ones that don’t end by .com, .net or .org, and people in the embassies seem to be able to see youtube and most .coms, but for some reason not many pages I’m linking them to. And for people in the city center it’s also different again. I have no idea how the cables and stuff run across the city, but it must be one hell of a chaos under the surface oO

twilight zone theme


Nah, the Twilight Zone tends at least to make sense.

::shrugs:: Valid point, I suppose.