garnet or dagger?

I was also playing lunar at the time, so I just named her “Luna”. The name dagger just didn’t seem to work for her.

I called her Dagger, I never saw any reason to change the default names. Except for the time I played FFVII naming Cloud “Sephiroth” and Tifa “Jenova”. The dialogue was simply hilarious.

In FFCC if you try to call someone Cecil it wont let you 'cause there’s a Cecil in the mining town

Heh, I named Aeries “Deadbeat” once. Now that was some funny dialogue.

Once, when I was playing FFIX, I was playing and Julia was there to watch, and when I had to name Zidane, she comments, “god, he loos like such an ass.” So… I named him that. “An Ass.” it was stupid, sure, but that REALLY made for interesting dialogue at times.

Hey, Valkyrie, do you look like CAmille in real life

I actually beleived you were a girl when I chatted with you on aim awhile ago

Naming characters things like You and Me tends to make the dialogue sound very schizophrenic.

Naming Lucca “Dave” and robbo “HAL” is kind of funny.

I just keep the default names, with a few exceptions. I named Bartz of FFV “Cloud,” because he didnt come with a default name. Then a minute later i noticed he did. oh ,well. I once named Aeris “Aerith” (not a big change, but still a change) and I named Cait Sith “CAT MOG” because he’s a cat riding a mog. I dunno why i used capital letters, but i did. And i toyed with the notion of nameing Steiner “Rusty,” so that he’d say something like “My name is not Rusty! It is Rusty Steiner!” That’s all though.

You know, you really shouldn’t believe avatars are actual representations of what people look like. I mean, if I was using the Cutie Crinos avatar again, you wouldn’t think I looked like that, right? So how is this avatar any different from that?

And I believed you were someone actually worth talking to. A lot harder to believe that now.

I was just curious. You might look good in real life

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Gundam character designs for the UC series are not generic

Seed series is the show that’s generic

Look, let’s jsut get this out of the way: basara, stop fucking talking abotu Gundam. I couldn’t care less about the show, it’s jsut an avatar bandwagon I hopped on. End of discussion.

So, Dagger/Garnet. Garnet wins, because Dagger is retarded.

Well you knew CAmille was a psychotic brat so i figured you were a fan

I keep the default names as well. That’s what their names are after all.