GameSpy's 25 most UNDERrated games

“Suikoden II falls into that category. Most gamers have never even heard of it much less played it.”

I have to disagree with the hearing part- tons of people have heard of Suikoden II, and those that have played it loved it. People are absolutely fanatical about it (as seen from many bashing Suikoden III for not being Suikoden II all over again.)

I asked all the gamers at my office if they ever heard of it and NOT ONE even knew what it was =).

It is not that well known outside of RPG circles

Mmm, perhaps then. I know tons of people who don’t really play RPGs but have heard of it. Ah well, guess it’s just who you ask =P

Originally posted by Kagon
Mmm, perhaps then. I know tons of people who don’t really play RPGs but have heard of it. Ah well, guess it’s just who you ask =P

Exactly. Kagon, I would want to be the bearer of your children, but there’s a nine-hundred-year line for that, so I guess I’ll have to wait.

I don’t see how they could have picked Suiko 2 over the original Suikoden, especially considering the current demand for Suiko 2. (Maybe it’s just in the circles I travel, but everyone I know either has Suiko 2 or wants it.)

Zeus is a pretty fun game…I got it from Staples for like $7.00. =D

Originally posted by DomaDragoon
I don’t see how they could have picked Suiko 2 over the original Suikoden, especially considering the current demand for Suiko 2. (Maybe it’s just in the circles I travel, but everyone I know either has Suiko 2 or wants it.)

That’s because there’s a Suikoden 3. Having a sequel often prompts interest in anything in the francise that came before it. That’s what got me into things like FF and Silent Hill, anyway.

Aww, thanks Gallo. Yeah, there does seem to be a line… >_>

That’s because there’s a Suikoden 3. Having a sequel often prompts interest in anything in the francise that came before it. That’s what got me into things like FF and Silent Hill, anyway.

Heh yeah SH2 got me into the SH series as well =)

Sure, most of the games are unknown, but that’s mostly because they’re underrated. The games listed either came at a time when another more popular game came along (like in the case of WoT, releasing another FPS at the same time as Quake 3 and UT was not the wisest thing GT Interactive did) or were being delayed for so long that the graphics and stuff got outdated.

It’s “underrated” in the sense like people underrate CV:SoTN because of the 2D graphics, or people underrate Gamecube because it’s a “kiddie” console.

That being said, this list will not neccessarily be what you agree on, but if you’re bored you can always check the listed games out. Most of them are probably abandonware today anyhow…

Oh, and I agree that Blood kicks ass - I mean, it’s unknown, sure, graphics are outdated, but hot DAMN! Me and my friends had really fun matches in it… Love those proxy mines, love that Voodoo doll. X-D

And they better put Wheel of Time on that list… :enguard:

hells yeah, Persona is where its at.

That it’s did. Same for Valkyrie Profile. The game was excelent…but I think it’s just dint do as well in sales. One of the reasons we dint get a sequel, I bet you.

And c’mon. If you saw the Ending A, a Sequel is just so damn f*(?$/" obvious.

Oh, God, how I loved Undying. It had one of the creepiest plots ever, cool gameplay, mercifully few cutscenes (only when something VERY significant happened), and many other things that make it a great FPS. Unfortunately, it didn’t have multiplayer, which is the kiss of death in today’s FPS market.