Fun sign generator
Just so you know, you can’t remote link those. You have to save them, upload them somewhere, then link them from there.

Todays sermon:
Homer rocks!

Hehe, pretty fun.

great link!

News Flash!
God does not exist!
But give us your $

Ah, I’m going to be having some fun with this… :mwahaha: big thumbs-up for the link

Jesus Loves You
You’re All Gonna Burn!

Bravo on the link to the “prostitue receit” thing.

Try to guess which of my … charcters made these! Hint: none of them is me.





<b>E.</b> </center>

Post edited to reduce headaches. But let the record show that I knew them all. :hahaha;

Originally posted by Yar Kramer
[b] Try to guess which of my … charcters made these! Hint: none of them is me.





<b>E.</b> </center> [/b]

  1. Smith
  2. Mayl
  3. That weird face thingy.
  4. vash

GAH! Did everyone have to post those 5 pics again? I’m gonna sue you for the murder of my little scrolly!

Thank you >>;;

As I lack any net hosting, please use your imagenations and imagen :stuck_out_tongue:

Second Line

Ahh… if only… if only.


I wonder why I didn’t look at this sooner…very nice. :hahaha;

If only. :mwahaha:

LOL, Yar :hahaha;

Originally posted by Nightblade
1. Smith
2. Mayl
3. That weird face thingy.
4. vash

You skipped D. And you didn’t have the name for C.

I suspected that the second one was Mayl, but I didn’t think that she was that outright abrasive.

Originally posted by Ivan
I suspected that the second one was Mayl, but I didn’t think that she was that outright abrasive.

Yeah, well, up yours!

C is Sinistral. “I HUNGER, MORTALS!”

And so this post isn’t a waste:

I AM SINISTAR! mumble grumble dumbass mumble “Sinistral” …