Uh, those demos are also free at EB and Gamestop, and then you don’t have to sign up for anything (though most stores prefer to have you pre-order the game before they’ll give you the demo).
BTW, as a Dragon Quest fan, let me comment on the demo:
The battle system, while it looks differently (once the commands are entered, anyway), is still practically the same (thankfully). The only real difference that I’ve noticed is that, when in battle, you can choose an individual monster to attack (in previous Dragon Quest games, if it was a group of 6 Slimes and 1 Slime, you could choose the “Slime Group” or the solitary Slime; now, when selecting the group, you can still choose an individual in that group).
Outside of battle, it’s very little like Dragon Quest. Occasional sound effects are in tact (finding items, rare items, etc), but appearance is completely different. ESPECIALLY the menu. The menu seems more like something out of Wild Arms or Star Ocean, maybe even Final Fantasy. The point is, it DOESN’T look like Dragon Quest. AT ALL. What’s more, they’ve eliminated some of the options from the menu: namely, TALK, and SEARCH (this is primarily because the menu is now a completely different screen, with FF style icons). These two items are consolidated into one button (as in every Dragon Quest since the SNES was released, but now this button is the only way to reach these options).
Basically, what I’m getting at, is that they’ve made the game LOOK like Final Fantasy (actually, it looks a little more like Star Ocean than FF, but you get the point). The battle system is pretty much the only thing left that’s even remotely Dragon Quest-like, and it looks drastically different. If you’re looking for a nostalgia trip, don’t look here. If you’re looking for a solid RPG… well… I guess we’ll see when the final version comes out.
(BTW, most of those changes are only in the US version. The menu system in the JP version of the game is the same as in DQ7).