Fine Dining

Depending on how many taste buds you actually have .

Also check out its new section: Japanese ice creams.

Cool, if I had the ingredients I would make that stuff. I love strange food. Anyone ever eat that candy with bugs in it? I did, it was good.

…MBG, that is the most disgusting thing I’ve been linked to since Goatse. Way to go…X.x

Heh, thanks.

Maybe I should have posted this in the Tob instead?:hmm:

stabs X for mentioning the worst site ev0r

Thanks for the link MB. I like cooking different things and I’m adding some of those recipes to my repertoire (the less alien ones I mean).

<img src=“”> Wait…Is this page a Joke?


I need to try THOSE!

EDIT: The bug recipes are a little too high in fat for my tastes… oh, wait… nevermind that. A little fat never really hurt anybody. :slight_smile:

DOUBLE EDIT: The SPAM shake has to be the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard of.


Er, sorry. Too hard to resist. ^_^;;;

Don’t worry too much, Roun. Like you:

I DON’T LIKE SPAM!(another Monty Python reference)

No Kor, it isn’t a joke.

<img src=“”> Sadly…i must agree with X…




Don’t eat the seals… ;.;

;.; Yes, that’s probably what I don’t like. Especially the swans. NOT THE SWANS!

Originally posted by Moon Beam Girl
;.; Yes, that’s probably what I don’t like. Especially the swans. NOT THE SWANS!

Swans are VERY mean though. In fact, they’re kinda scary. I don’t think I’d eat one, though. Oddly enough, I think I’d try the bug recipes.

I found this in my grandparent’s church recipe book once.:slight_smile:

SEX IN A PAN (not a bag)!

Sorry, couldn’t resist. :stuck_out_tongue:

You reach the Japanese ice cream yet?

Originally posted by Moon Beam Girl
You reach the Japanese ice cream yet?

Yeah. I PMed you- this is getting to be too much of just a discussion between the two of us. :stuck_out_tongue:

this isn’t really the most disgusting site i’ve ever seen.

of course, i wouldn’t be caught dead eating anything from it, but still…

Slug Fritters sound tasty…

Originally posted by Darkil
Slug Fritters sound tasty…

I concur.