When I first heard about it, I was stunned. I mentioned it in a thread a month or so ago and not many people knew about it from what I understood. So, ladies and gentlemen, I defy you to find a game worse than THIS. Really. And by worse I mean more abysmal, unplayable and fucked up than Big Rigs. If you can’t find one, (which is very likely) post your thoughts on this piece of [STRIKE]shit[/STRIKE]horror art.
That’s quite a treat, horrors like this don’t come out that often (thankfully). Quoting the link above:
Bad games are released all the time, and some are worse than others. This is nothing new. However, it really takes a special kind of awful to be considered one of the worst games ever made. So when this special kind of awful makes an appearance, it’s truly something to behold. Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing is one of those rare pieces of work. Not only is it almost completely broken and blatantly unfinished in nearly every way, but even if it weren’t, there’s so little of an actual game to be found here that it would still be terrible. Big Rigs is a game so astoundingly bad that it manages to transcend nearly every boundary put forth by some of gaming’s absolute worst of the worst and easily makes it into that dubiously extraordinary category of being one of the most atrocious games ever published.
That’s just the 1st paragraph. :eek:
Big Rigs wins only because it’s not even finished; the computer opponent doesn’t do anything, the graphics are undeveloped, you can drive through nearly anything, and all the other bugs.
The worst finished game is Bokosuka Wars. Trust me. Well, either that or Cheetahmen II.
ET for the atari, nothing and I mean nothing can be worse than that game.
Too bad I can’t search the games you’re mentioning cause they’re too old-school. Anyway, being unfinished is what makes Big Rigs special. 8)
How did this get released in the first place?
No kidding, I wonder if those are still buried under Nevada.
LOL, this is so bloody hilarious! 8D Go watch the video review, or read the FAQ someone wrote on it. It’s been a while since I laughed so much. 
That’s nice to hear!
Yeah, I’ve watched the video review…Check out the REVIEWS on Gamefaqs too, every one of them says “Big Rigs sucks beyond human comprehension” in a different way hehe.
That thread doesn’t seem to be about Big Rigs though…
go down 10 posts. It gets posted and then people stop caring.
You should read the review that tries to explain the game in a philosophical tone. If only I could find it.
You know what’s also funny? Stellar Stone released a patch a few months after the game was released, but it didn’t really do anything.
Oh, I thought of another game worse than Big Rigs. Custers Revenge.
Wow, that is bad. Man, I thought all I’d have to do to beat is mention Superman on the N64, but yeah this tops that. This game was doomed before it was even made though. I mean, who the fuck wants to race a big rig? The things have low top speeds and poor manuevering. That is so awesomely bad. Everything wrong with it that you could think of, it does.
Custer’s Revenge was awful mainly because of the theme and story. If it had a presentation that was typical of the games of that time (such as playing as an intergalactic deliveryman transporting illegal space goods from point A to point B), it probably would have caught on, because the gameplay seems to be that of a traditional Atari game.
Is Cho Aniki really all that bad though, DG? Or is it just the theme?
It’s just an example of a game that is so messed up… Wonders who greenlights these for release …
Actually… I can’t judge at this point as I’ve played none of those… But I’d like to see if they are as bad as everyone makes them out to be.
Okay, I have to say that Deadly Towers is worse, Bokosuka Wars is playable, and I thought it was kind of fun when you got used to it/learned how to play it.
Actually, I was thinking, Survivor the Interactive Game might tie it in crap.