Finally, internet scrabbling

clicka Finally, internet scrabble- as some of you may or may not know, I am something of a scrabble enthusiast, and wanted to share this with you all- I have been playing endless amounts of games on this thing and, well, does anyone accept my challenge? :ah-ha!: my username is “Nebagram”, incidentally

Be warned…Neb is GOOD. He just beat me by almost 200 points. o.O

username: devillion
skill level: on par with a person in a coma.

If you like Scrabble like games, I suggest you go the

Originally posted by BahamutXero
If you like Scrabble like games, I suggest you go the

Playsite doesn’t have Scrabble anymore. Well, they do, but apparently it’s a “premium game” now, so it like… costs money. And that sucks, and stuff.

I used to play Scrabble all the time with RPGC peoples. I would always be winning throughout the entire game and then, on the last turn, somebody would come up with some absolutely CRAZY word that’d score them like 500 points, and I’d end up losing by like 3 points. It was terrible!

I would play, but I not that good at what would you call it. English that’s it.

I’m more of a logical/mathematical person. So scrabble ain’t really my thing.

How come it allows words like AUI and NE and VES and PANAG. But not words like CHAN?

Because AUI, NE, VES and PANAG are in the dictionary and CHAN ain’t. :ah-ha!:

(sorry, someone had to say it… :thud: )

I’ve played scrabble a couple of times. But I sucked, so I stopped.

None of that crap compares to Mazrim. Maz fucking won like a 6 player scrabble game with “EL”. His nickname is El now, btw :stuck_out_tongue:

The moral of the story: online scrabble, no matter where you play it, sucks, because doesn’t have real brains. :stuck_out_tongue:

Originally posted by Nebagram
[b]Because AUI, NE, VES and PANAG are in the dictionary and CHAN ain’t. :ah-ha!:

(sorry, someone had to say it… :thud: ) [/b]

But… but…

you aren’t allowed acronyms and thats the only actal result you got for chang

Originally posted by Nebagram
[b]Because AUI, NE, VES and PANAG are in the Chambers dictionary and CHAN ain’t. :ah-ha!:

(sorry, someone had to say it… :thud: ) [/b]

…sorry… again :thud: :get it?:

edit: although, in saying that, I’ve just checked my Chambers dictionary and PANAG ain’t there, ditto AUI and VES. If someone played those words in a scrabble game, you would be well within your rights to insist they take them back! :enguard:

Pretty graitifying to see NEB’s in there, as well :hahaha;