While I will spare you the exact details of where I have Cloud, I can provide some pointers. First, you should max out the Limit abilities first. While the cast times are incredibly long on most, some, like Final Touch, are actually reasonably short. For the rest, we’re going to fix that up later.
Equip Swords from the Knight tree is also a must, so that Cloud can utilize his Materia Sword in his eventual main class, Time Mage.
Finally, before moving to Time Mage, purchase gear focused on building Clouds Magic Attack stat, as this will, as hinted by other posters, directly effect his Limit abilities.
After all this is done, move him to Time Mage with the Limit skills in the secondary slot and Equip Swords. Equip his Materia Blade, or he in story terms is a high functioning schizophrenic with no access to his skill set. Your first skill should be Immobilize. Cloud’s Limit skills can be very powerful, but they have a draw back. They cannot target units, but instead target Tiles. This means that you’ll need to be able to Immobilize an enemy before using most of these skills. That said, I believe they are worth it with the right build.
Once you have Immobilize, Haste and Slow are also good early picks, to speed Cloud up and Slow his enemies, so that they will not get as many turns to burn off their Immobilize while he channels up pain. After this, the magic word is Teleport. It allows Cloud to attempt to move to any tile from any tile, but on long moves, it can fail. This is vital because of how I use Cloud, in a divide and conquer strategy. He needs to be mobile so that he can reach a straggler easily. Try not to move too far on one teleport, though, because the chance of failure on really long moves is high. Teleport also ignores terrain, height, and even if there is a valid path that Cloud could have taken to reach his destination, based on blocking from enemies, etc.
Once you have these, you can keep building out the Time Mage tree to give Cloud more utility, but the main issue with him is how he is used. Look for a straggling enemy that is separated from the group, then move him near that enemy, and stack on Immobilize, Slow, maybe even Stop. Your main force can deal with the other enemies, and Cloud can focus on launching something terrible at his enemy from a safe stand off range. Even if that fails, he can use these Time Mage skills to tie up small groups of enemies.
Generally, Finial Touch is the skill that does the best effect for the least time. It either Dooms or KOs the target with a high degree of success, and may happen in one turn. The high end skills take several turns during which Cloud must wait his turn out, although he can move once the skill is targeted. Cherry Blossom is generally a one shot kill though that can hit multiple targets. If he’s wounded, Blade Beam is a quicker skill that deals damage based on how much damage Cloud has taken, and it can produce a nice effect. There are obviously other good skills with the same slow cast time issues, but it generally works pretty well to use him to encounter, tie up, and demolish smallish groups while the main force can handle the other enemies.
Eventually, you can get Meteor for Cloud, which can act as yet another high end attack.
He’s not useless, but he’s also not a front line combatant.
I hope this is useful to someone.