Final Fantasy Games will send you to HELL!

Originally posted by Megaman984
Wait, sued for what, Ren? I’m seriously asking. And alot of people are against his business. I think he makes a living by Christian organizations by his tracts and distributing them. I may be wrong. But yeah, sued for what?

Defamation of character maybe? I don’t think it would be likely though. What he believes - even if I/we think it is misguided - is his own choice. If he gets sued for these choices then it’s his own damned fault.

You could sue him because he’s joking with other people’s religion. If you publish anti-christain stuff you may be sued by christains for prejudice as much as a nazi would be by publishing anti-semitic material. Chick’s ideas are as destructive as any form of prejudice. He’s as bad as racists.

Originally posted by Ren
He’s as bad as racists.

I wouldn’t go so far as that. Racists operate on hatred, whereas this person seems to be operating on a misguided notion that all other religions are destined to send people to hell, and he doesn’t want that. Thus the cartoons.

[/devils advocate mode]

Right and wrong are too subjective and differ too much person to person. They could probably argue that Islam or Roman Catholicism have serious social consequences.

Note, I’m talking just about beliefs. When one person takes his beliefs so far as to violate another person’s rights, as in violence or theft, it is fine to punish them, but as long as they do not commit such acts, I defend their right to believe what they want. With Hitler and the Nazis, I do not support their fascist, anti-semitic views, but I support their right to believe them (and the Supreme Court supports their right to espouse them in a parade). I embrace them as equals until they take their views to action and violate others’ rights. I support the KKK to be able to call African Americans nigger or any other derogatory term and to believe that they are inferior, but the moment they go out and terrorize people, they are wrong. I support the Arabs’ rights to espouse their hatred of America and its culture, but I do not support them when their actions turn towards violence and violation of others’ rights. I support right-to-lifers’ rights to protest abortions, but the moment they blow up an abortion clinic and violate people’s rights to property, they’re wrong. I support your right to call “extremists” ignorant and intolerant, but I posted that first post mostly as a “just think about it” arguement.

Let the fundies espouse what they want. It is their right. However, I will be the first to condemn (criticize again, demi :P) any fundamentalist that violates the rights the others, that causes physical harm.

Edit: Nazis and racists can’t be sued for espousing their belief. It has been Constitutionally upheld. Collin v. Smith, I believe. It had something to do with Nazis in Skokie.

No, he’s just being subtle. He leads people to believe that anyone who doesn not view religion as they do is a sinner who wishes to defile the good in their church, and therefore shall either be converted of fought.

edit: If you convince people that something is right, they will do it even if it’s illegal. KKK burns black people to this day because they think it’s right, and this thought comes from their hatred.

I know they (KKK, Nazi, Chick and people of his religion…) have the right to believe in whatever the hell they want to, but those thoughts will be used by them to justify their actions in the future.

Meh, seen it before, it’s pretty pathetic.

And the moment they take it past just espousing their beliefs into the realm of violating others’ rights, they’re wrong. The Nazis can march as part of a parade in Jewish communities. That is accepted as a Constitutional Right.

And could you get some data on the KKK still burning people, Ren? I haven’t really heard much in that area. Last I heard of anything that concerned the KKK, it was a Supreme Court case dealing with cross burning.

The BNP still march through London (I think) every year. They’re not stopped, but it’s one of the few things that can make me shivering. And not from the cold.

There was a scare earlier last year when it looked as if the facists could actually come into power in a town in the UK - I think it was Bradford. Anyone remember the exact details?

Statements like, “God says magic’s bad, so Christians can’t play Final Fantasy III,” come from ignorant people pretending that they understand Christianity. The author refuses to play games that deal with magic. By witnessing magic, he would supposedly be tempted to use it. He concludes that it’s best not to play games with magic. That logic can be extended. In the real world, people dabble in the occult. You’ll likely meet them. Should you handle that by ‘not playing’ at life? Would you instead hide from it?

Many superficial believers do. They live in a bubble of safety. They might be good people; like children who sit in the Easter Bunny’s lap in the mall. Intellectually, their ideas are worthless.

Christianity is not the problem.


Originally posted by Xwing1056
Christianity is not the problem.

Is it some of the people who prectise it. No argument there.

Originally posted by Megaman984
[b]And the moment they take it past just espousing their beliefs into the realm of violating others’ rights, they’re wrong. The Nazis can march as part of a parade in Jewish communities. That is accepted as a Constitutional Right.

And could you get some data on the KKK still burning people, Ren? I haven’t really heard much in that area. Last I heard of anything that concerned the KKK, it was a Supreme Court case dealing with cross burning. [/b]

Last case I saw was not a burning, but rather a hanging. I’ll search for data on it.

See…now this is why i left the other dominations of christianity…

Sure, there are those guys who will go out and have sinead oconnor CD smashing, and will burn harry potter at the stake…but these are also the same people who will pray at a public school, and bitch about it when they get in trouble. I converted, not to a new religion, but to catholisism, because i was tired of these bumfucks going to church whenever they felt like it, sending their kids to youth group, having picnics in the park, complaining about everything not endorsed by billy graham. In my opinion if you are going to be religious, DO IT! dont sit around and waste your time bashing others about Final Fantasy and Pokemon. Thats not religion! if you want to be a christian, act like it, dont act like someone who is just going along with the flow.

Edit-Lol…for some fun click the christian anime section…OH WOW! THIS STUFF MAKES ME WANT TO THROW MY COWBOY BEBOP DVDs AWAY!!! [/sarcasm]

Yeah, I also read that part.

Maybe if they actually made SOME DECENT GAMES/ANIME we’d pay more attention.

Perhaps it’s because creating a Christian game requires sincere belief in the bible, and since believing in creationism in this day and age basically requires you to stick your head in the sand and shut down the logical part of your brain, nobody who is capable of programming a good game is willing to waste their time making games that are guaranteed to fail.

Which makes the whole damned thing a vicious circle. It’s a shame, as maybe it would be taken a bit more seriously if they got into mass-media more.

If I were a student and attended a public school, I’d be pretty pissed if I were punished for it. But if you mean as a school official, then fine.

Creating “good christain cartoon/game” is hard because it requires you to put a lot of ascethistic, anti-scientifical and prejudicial stuff in it, that’s why you don’t any titles available.

quality means nothing to christian media, because they know they can produce bullshit and millions will be more than eager to buy it.

Originally posted by Ren
Creating “good christain cartoon/game” is hard because it requires you to put a lot of ascethistic, anti-scientifical and prejudicial stuff in it, that’s why you don’t any titles available.

Who’s prejudiced?


P.S. Do you consider the Lord of the Rings trilogy to be Christian literature? Its author did, as do Christians in general. Funny how popular it’s become.

I take every opportunity available to cite how shitty the lord of the rings books/movies are.

Carry on.

Originally posted by Sorcerer
[b]I take every opportunity available to cite how shitty the lord of the rings books/movies are.

Carry on. [/b]

I’d like to hear why you think they’re bad? I myself think they’re good, but I don’t think they’re extraordinary and worship them and read them 24/7 (I’ve read them plenty of times, however).

What else if new?
They grew tired of blameing God, so now they are blameing everything else. Much like everyone else do when they get tired of blaming something. Like teenagers who always blame their parents, after that they’ll begin to blame society and their kids.

But people believe what they believe, and what they believe is what is the truth for them.