A while back i heard of a patch for FF6 that made the game a little more like final fantasy tactics, in the way that the characters skills were a little different. Anyone know what im talking about?
I know of one patch like that, but I believe all it did was change the names so that instead of FF6 characters they were FFT characters. ^^; I may be wrong though. I think Cain Highwind from the FF Compendium board did it. I have it on my computer somewhere, but other than that I can’t help you. Try a Google search.
Ah, okay, thanks Cid
There’s a really neat FF6 hack out there called “Legend of The Crystals”. It’s pretty much the same game, except it follows the FF4 jobs more; characters are set with their own specific skills; Edgar is a Dragoon with Jump and Tools, etc. It’s really neat, and I suggest you give it a spin, especially since I hear the last boss has been changed to Zeromus. 8P