FFX2: Chocobo Dungeon

OK, once AGAIN I’m frustrated by this game.

According to the Official Guide, to find the hidden Calm Lands dungeon, you have to start the Chocobo Ranch, then send out 3 level one chocobos, without any of them running away; then send 3 level 2 chocobos; then 3 level 3; 3 level 4; and finally, 3 level 5.

I did ALL that- and it took me FOREVER to find chocobos that would rise to level 5- and STILL NO DUNGEON! What am I doing wrong?? I checked Gamefaqs, but the walkthroughs there seem to disagree on what to do. ANY of you got into it yet?

Here’s what you have to do:
Get a fourth level 5 chocobo and set it as your fourth runner, then just send out that level 5 chocobo with two others (leaving one more level 5 chocobo behind). That should do it (if not, tell me).

What kind were they? I heard they need to be the bold type.

I have to find ANOTHER level 5 chocobo!?!

sigh Fine, I’ll try… and no, not all the chocobos I used were Bold.

No, they don’t have to be bold. You just have a better chance of them not running away.

The FAQ at GameFAQs dealing with the Chocobo Ranch (and quite a few others this guy made, especially the Mi’ihen Highroad Mystery FAQ) includes a whole bunch of things you do NOT have to do. When I contacted him about it, he basically said that he was sick of getting e-mails about it and that he would only post the way he did it that worked, and ignore all other ways. -_-

Thanks Ciddy for that. I like Wilfredo was getting quite frustrated with the guide’s explanation and was getting ready to post the very same thing he did.

Yep, that did it, Cid! Thanks!!

Question: was sending out all the other Chocos really needed, or just the last (level 5) ones?

After I finish this dungeon, the only things left for me to do are- getting to the bottom of the 101-level dungeon… and then to the Farplane.

I’m pretty sure the rest of them are also needed, although I didn’t actually try without them. But the general consensus seems to be that they are needed.

I have finished this game once, and can only seem to get to 98% complete, I’m on the second game now and almost to the end (I have to get this same dungeon and am almost finished with the Via Infinito). My question is, does anyone know if you have to complete the Calibration of the towers in the Thunder Plains? Cause it doesn’t say anything in the manual by Brady Games that you will lose completion points. Or, do I have to play the attractions at the Calm Lands?? (I’ve got Episode Complete almost everywhere) Any help would be appreciated.

You do not need to do the towers nor the attractions. You do need Episode Complete everywhere (not just almost everywhere).

Wow, I am like, EXACTLY where Wil is. :stuck_out_tongue: And thanks a TON for posting Wil, because I’ve been forgetting to ask the EXACT same question for like, a week. :stuck_out_tongue:

But just to clarify: When you say to send a fourth chocobo with 2 others, and leave one lvl 5 behind, you mean to have four lvl 5 chocos, right? (I only have 3 at the moment, but I can do another hunting run while I send some out for more treasures, if necessary.)

And finally, to Ozzy: Some areas have more than one Episode Complete sequence, make sure you have all of them. And you said you had “almost” all areas complete; which ones haven’t you gotten complete yet, if you don’t mind my asking?

Ugh. That thing. I didnt’ even bother with it last play through. I’m loathe to take a shot at it this time, too.

I ha ve yet to find a chocobo that can be levelled up beyond level 1. Rrrr.

I’ve noticed that Chocos generally don’t level much until Chapter 5. In Chapter 2, they don’t seem to level at all, and in Chapter 3 the best I could get was lvl 3.

Make sure in the later Chapters you don’t have too many chocobos so that you can’t catch any more-- if you’ve got a lot that wont’ advance past lvl 1, let some go so you can catch some that can.

Okay, I’m a newbie here, so I was wondering, how do I post my own messages without having to click on Quote??

Click on “Post Reply.” It’s a little below and way to the left of “Quote.”