FFVII: Ruby Weapon

I’d like to point out that it was my advice that helped.

And luke, you are immeasurably stupid :stuck_out_tongue: You can’t quad magic KotR, and even if you could, your entire party would be finished after two.

And Final-Attack revive is really fucking lame. You could sit there holding the confirm button and still win. Wow!!! You’re a great gamer to be able to come up with something as creative as BEING INVINCIBLE. I applaud you!!!111

I’ve never even had Final Attack in my inventory.

Yes, it was.

It’s called working smarter, not harder. Saying that using Final Attck is lame is like saying it is lame to use a plane to cross the country when you could walk and get the job done the same. In a way you are better game for this strategy since you actually found out how to sue the game’s system to the max, but why am I arguing with the one who knows everything and is the ultimate judge of everything.

Because you think you can so long as you add that little false claus at the end of your comments, because everyone agrees with you, right? Get a life, fuckhead. You’re in no position to argue if all you can do is create little safety nets like the fact that I’m zealous and often obliterate people out of sheer persistance.

I didn’t say final-attack revive wasn’t smart. I said he could be a little more creative than using an invincibility setup. The Weapons were created to challenge your strategic mind, not to beat by exploiting the tactics of someone who actually WAS smart enough to come up with an invicibility setup. THAT man, I applaud. All the little twink kiddies who think they’re cool for being able to equip two materia that happen to make you invulnerable to everything ever, thereby copying him to a T, are just fucking lame and inept.

Yeah, Hades’ way works. That’s how I beat him.

The only other suggestion I could make, would be to get Cloud’s HP to 7777, and, as soon as you can, summon Hades to stop him, and then mime Omnislash. Useful for us KOTR haters. It’s quite simple, and fun to watch Cloud single-handedly kill a WEAPON.

Every attack Cloud makes during the 7777 fever does 7777 damage, even if it’s a subsequent attack, like a limit break. So long as his HP remain at 7777, he will continually deal only 7777 damage, thus Omnislash will do much more damage than normal.

It let me beat Ruby at level 65, without Final Attack. And only Cloud had over 3000 HP.

Way I did it was kill two people, go into battle with Cloud on full health. Cast Big Guard, then W-Summon. It made it easy enough…But no Final Attack. I disliked that…
And I have a question for those of you who say to revive-I did that and when I did, and the tentacles left, guess what happened. That’s right! Quicksand! Did this not happen to you people?
Oh, and I didn’t know the Hades thing.

You mean he pulled the tentacles out of the ground?

I did too, which was why I couldn’t figure out why he was going on and on about HP Absorb.

If I recall it was decent, but I also didn’t have KotR at the time.



Lol, it was never decent for me. At best it was like 10 000 per round :stuck_out_tongue: I guess Hero drinks would fix that though :stuck_out_tongue:

You’d need a LOT of Hero Drinks for that. Of course, if you had Cloud’s attack at 999 from using that Morph the Wheel Gator trick, Omnislash would probably be your best option.

But of course, that would take FOREVER, especially since those damned critters in the Gelinka are a real pain to Morph (I always ended up killing them instead).

But if you head to the Gongaga Swamp area near the broken Mako Reactor, you can Morph the Wheel Gator enemies with Yuffie’s Conformer equipped. You’ll always kill them in one hit, and you’ll always get a Power Source. And Wheel Gators are very common, too.

That’s exactly what I mean. Did that actually never happen to you?

Didn’t know about that one. Nice, though overkill.

Nope. Then again, Ruby got one turn in the entire battle so I wouldn’t know.