If we’re going to drop our pants and compare sizes… this is my end-game PWND setup which can be used all at the same time (No need to change items between characters). Requires Deep Dungeon trip, obviously.
Class: Knight [Mastered]
Secondary Ability: Guts [Mastered & Ultima]
Reaction Ability: Counter.
Support Ability: Two Swords.
Movement Ability: Move+3
Weapon: Chaos Blade
Second Weapon: Excalibur.
Helm: Grand Helm.
Armor: Maximillion.
Accessory: Germinas Boots.
This setup is made to balance our good hero so he can be somewhat comparable to Cid. While the defense capability is limited, the Grand Helm and Maximillion turn him into a damage sponge with ungodly amounts of HP. Two Swords and Counter combined with the unmatched power of the Chaos Blade kills just about anyone who dares attack at close range, while the Excalibur’s innate Haste, Guts’ Scream and the +4 movement boost make him into a high-speed tank.
Class: Holy Swordsman [Mastered]
Secondary Ability: Summoning [Mastered & Zodiac]
Reaction Ability: Counter.
Support Ability: Two Swords.
Movement Ability: Move+3
Weapon: Excalibur
Second Weapon: Ragnarok.
Helm: Genji Helmet.
Armor: Genji Armor.
Accessory: Germinas Boots.
Same as Ramza, only slightly crappier equipment compensated by the much higher innate power. The Summoning is there just for flexing muscle, as the chances of ever doing anything besides using All Swordskill are almost null. I should note that these two characters, or even just one of them, can finish the game by themselves without breaking a sweat.
Class: Holy Knight [Mastered]
Secondary Ability: Summoning [Mastered & Zodiac]
Reaction Ability: Counter.
Support Ability. Attack up.
Movement Ability: Move+2
Weapon: Save the Queen.
Shield: Escutcheon (Special)
Helm: Crystal Helmet.
Armor: Reflect Mail.
Accessory: Chantage.
A crappier Orlandu, this time the Summoning might come in handy seeing as her movement rate is lower. Using Attack Up to compensate for her sword (Which is not bad at all but still not the best) and her relatively crappy innate Attack Power, she can still pack quite a punch. The real strength in this character lies in the fact that, even if an enemy manages to go trough the Escutcheon’s whooping 75% defense, the Chantage will revive her in the next round, making her INVINCIBLE. Perfect damage sponge.
Worker #8
No skills, no equipment.
Crappy movement, but Dispose’s 8-square range takes care of that. This one is literally a tank, being innately immune to magic (0 Faith) and having an ungodly amount of HP, he can resist a long battle with no problems despite having to suffer damage for each attack. If an enemy ever gets close enough to use a melee attack, they’re toast.
Class: Temple Knight [Mastered]
Secondary Ability: Punch Art [Mastered]
Reaction Ability: Counter.
Support Ability. Concentrate.
Movement Ability: Move+3
Weapon: Defender.
Shield: Genji Shield.
Helm: Crystal Helm.
Armor: Crystal Helm.
Accessory: Germinas Boots.
Beo is here to fill the spot, but he’s good material. The attack power and defense are decent enough, with 100% accuracy melee strikes and Punch Art as an alternative for cheap long-range and recovery. The real strength here is in one simple thing: CHICKEN. This beauty rapes your enemies’ Brave turning them into defenseless birds with just a few blows. He’s just an Oracle on steroids apart from that, but he’s still pretty nice to have.
Optional Characters.
Class: Divine Knight [Mastered]
Secondary Ability: Summoning [Mastered & Zodiac]
Reaction Ability: Counter.
Support Ability. Attack up.
Movement Ability: Move+2
Weapon: Save the Queen.
Shield: Escutcheon (Special)
Helm: Crystal Helmet.
Armor: Reflect Mail.
Accessory: Chantage.
Same setup as Agrias, but it only works well on missions against equipped (Human) enemies. Too bad you don’t get enough chances to squeeze her potential.
Class: Samurai [Mastered]
Secondary Ability: Summoning [Mastered & Zodiac]
Reaction Ability: Counter.
Support Ability. Attack up.
Movement Ability: Move+3
Weapon: Chirijiraden.
Second Weapon: Masamune.
Helm: Crystal Helmet.
Armor: Crystal Mail.
Accessory: Germinas Boots.
Screw his special class, SOLDIER sucks. Treating him like a random character is best and this setup works perfect for Samurai fanboys, having a respectable attack power thanks to the Chirijiraden and the Masamune. Using the item multiplication trick on the Chirijiraden might be an acceptable cheat since this Katana’s Draw Out is 1337. Crappy defense though.
Class: Engineer. [Mastered]
Secondary Ability: Steal [Mastered]
Reaction Ability: Speed Save.
Support Ability: Concentrate.
Movement Ability: Move+3
Weapon: Blast Gun.
Hat: Flash hat.
Cloth: Rubber Costume.
Accessory: Germinas Boots.
Long-range fighter, short range thief, this setup is perfect for nabbing random shit. Sadly, most of it can’t be used in the Elmdor fight (Where you need a thief the most) but it’s still quite good. We all know how useful Snipe is and the Blast Gun hits with the force of a Thunder 3.
Class: Ninja.
Secondary Ability: Punch Art [Mastered]
Reaction Ability: Regenerator.
Support Ability: Concentrate.
Movement Ability: Fly.
Weapon: Iga Knife.
Second Weapon: Short Edge.
Hat: Thief Hat.
Cloth: Secret Clothes.
Accessory: Germinas Boots.
If you permanently jacked down her Brave using Threaten and Chicken before entering Deep Dungeon, she can go around as she pleases during the battles collecting stuff. Regenerator is there as a precaution but with the Secret Clothes’ innate invisibility, the insane movement rate and speed, she is virtually impossible to hit. The two knives can do some decent damage if you absolutely must.