FF7AC (more rant than spoiler)

FF7AC was hideous. Whatever humanity FF7 once possessed, whatever genuine feeling was present in the game, has been eliminated. I have never, in my life, seen a movie with special effects so over the top as this one. They consume 99% of the movie.

The characters only speak in a pseudo-mystic fashion: that mysterious and empty sort of dialogue popular among writers with no human emotion to guide them. What’s left of Cloud is, in short, an overgrown three year-old postmodernist who can wield nine swords at once. Tifa is a motherly figure who speaks less coherently than Marlene, who herself is the stereotype of the little Japanese girl. Barret rants and raves nonsense, and out of some perverse nostalgia randomly shouts, “Is Marlene okay?!” Vincent says some vague, but apparently wise lines midway through, and turns into a cape, and that’s about all. Cid and Yuffie say nothing, just do some fighting. Rufus is . . . some sort of wheelchair guru? Oh, and the Sephiroth clones are J-Rockers a la dir en grey, all of them.

If I were making a sequel to FF7, I would have salvaged its incredible poison-life aesthetic and ditched the childish planet-religion. However, Tetsuya Nomura, the producer, was the graphic artist for FF7. His idea of “aesthetic” is not realistic emotion, but a pretty picture. He did a great job making Tifa and Aeris look pretty. Cloud, unfortunately, has puffy-baby cheeks, and his Mako eyes have been replaced by drunkard eyes. But back to the plot: it was a battle that lasted for an hour and forty minutes. Basically, extract all the best action scenes from FF7, eliminate the emotional content, and make them so over the top that they put Dragon Ball Z to shame.

Nobuo Uematsu has continued his trend of bastardizing his old music: “genre-izing” it, so to speak. He’ll turn a battle theme into a trashy metal mix, turn Aeris’ theme into a New Age-Easy Listening combo, and so on. The best music in the movie was that which he modified very little, e.g. One Winged Angel.

In conclusion, I’ve given up on Final Fantasy. Guild Wars anyone?

All this is based on the fully translated English version I assume?
Oh btw, One Winged Angel is very changed, considering it is performed by The Black Mages and it is a metal remix of the original.


BlueMageOne saves the day by being entirely correct. Cloud beat people up among some great set-pieces and some badass lines “It’s been a while, Cloud.”. The Turks were awesome and the plot didn’t get in the way of the action. What more did you want?


I agree with Pierson.

I wasn’t expecting to much from the movie, but it was enjoyable. I didn’t expect a super awesome plot, but I wanted some eye-candy, and I got it :smiley:

I’m gonna watch it anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

Wasn’t worth the 700 meg of space.

I liked it for what the fact it was an extremely well drawn set of pretty good action sequences. I do admit I was disapointed for the lack of plot and character development.

For Final Fantasy 7 Quality plot, please do yourselves a favor and play Final Fantasy 7.

The movie was (as we all should expect by now) a diehard fan pleaser. Thats all it was intended to be… You got to see all the characters do “somthing”, you got to see Sephiroth and most importantly, you got to see a movie that finally “felt” like a final fantasy game.

I don’t know about you guys, but I can get over the fact that it was nothing but Dragon Ball Z mixed with FF7 because all in all, it did a great job at being that.

I can’t help but feel that some of you people just simply can’t be satisfied. :fungah:

Except for Cait Sith. T_T :bowser:

did Reeves even make an apperance?

:moogle: Don’t worry cait at least Cait Sith is in FFVII DOC.

Er, no. Cait Sith is in AC.

!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I’m so glad! everyone kept saying that Cait Sith wasn’t in it. which really bumed me out cause he is my favorite character. What does he do in it? Any fight scenes?

:moogle: Um Cait your beginning to borderling obsession here.

Maybe the lack of plot is due to a poor translation?

And what is post-modernist?

Cait-Sith rides Red XIII around while he does all the fighting. He also tells Yuffie “Calm Down Princess!” twice… Thats about it. But yeah, hes in it.

The search for meaning amid fragmented, unintelligible, near-mystical experiences. FFVII the game was more a modernist work, insofar as Cloud really figured things out.

The translation struck me as fairly intelligent. Unless the translator managed to lose all the substance of the Japanese, while maintaining impeccable English, this movie simply had terrible dialogue. Regardless, based on the sequence of actions alone, there was clearly no plot worth mentioning.

I agree with your rant except for two things

You sounded just like most of the dialogue in the movie

“Trashy” Metal >>> You. Rock version of one winged angel >>>>>>>> you

What a sound argument you have there, Dragons Revenge. Worthy of GameFAQs itself.

“Post-modernism” is an extremely general term, used to denote various contemporary artistic, cultural, and philosophical movements. A common strand running through these movements is the belief that life in a time of “post-modernity” is extremely fragmented and unstable, constantly changing, and defined in large part through artificial means. For instance, post-modernism claims that much of our understanding of our own identity and history is “constructed” artificially by the media, society, pop culture, et cetera, is not necessarily representative of truth, and thus can change at any time. So, post-modernism is generally skeptical of the human ability to obtain knowledge. In art, post-modernism can manifest itself in absurdism, irony, self-reference, pastiche, and so forth.

On an unrelated note, check your pms…