Then I noticed, the walkthrough isn’t even completed! The final fight Kefka is missing! Please can someone find out whether the URLs missing and salvage the missing pages. I need to complete this game RPGShrine style!
Frankly if you need help fighting Kefka, you probably shouldn’t be playing video games. He’s the only final boss I’ve ever seen that can be one-shotted. :V
Also, Zepp has never, and will never, finish any task he is given. :V
In all fairness though, Shin’s right. Don’t expect the FFVI shrine to ever get finished.
Especially since now you’ve got the Advanced and Android ports to contend with (and even if you didn’t, there’s still the matter of why bother at this point).
In the middle of the night, three little demons disguised as children named Moe, Larry, and Curley (unintentional misspelling or evading paying royalties? You decide) come out and jump into Cyan’s bed. Come on Celes, you dirty babe, make it a fivesome!
Wouldn’t see THAT in the Prima Games strategy guide.