FF5 and CT

Yes, it did. And I’m the one with bad memory, and yet I still remember that bit.

Just out of curiosity, how does CT get exempt from this, IIRC it didn’t quite have crystals in it.

Yeah, there is. I played it on Cro’s PSP for a bit. The emulation seemed to lack on the one game I played (Gundam Endless Duel), though.

Ugh, I’ve got those same computer-illiterate family members… -.-

My grandpa refuses to download anti-spyware programs (he thinks they’re a waste of time), and he doesn’t even understand the concept that there are more ways to browse the internet than Internet Explorer.

And my grandma “doesn’t want to load her computer up with anything” because “someone from one of my forums hacked through her phoneline into her computer and she knows this because he had an asian accent.” -.-

Honestly, she’s just BIZARRE.

Best of luck with that, man, it’s not easy to explain these things to those kinds of people.

I hate that!
My dad tries to take that stance on me all the time… and it’ll take forever to talk him out of his wrongness… haha.
But I’d say either, if you don’t mind a hidden folder, hit that… or explanation is always good. But you need visuals! Always visuals!


Or a good back hand.