FF12 Questions

This is the one offline FF game I never beat. I bought the collector’s edition… was stoked about it for a good 20-30 hours but realized that it was slowly annoying me… it’s fun. Just not “FFfun”.

If you can get past hours of building up LP so your characters can learn to stop being retarded, it’s fun.

Yeah that was a good VGCats.

To put things into perspective Wilf, FFXII is so big that my super game is at over 110 hours and I still have those 2 things left.

It’s not Zodiark is it??

How fast a boss drops depends on your level and your gear. If you push yourself on the mark hunts without leveling you will have some very long, taxing, mp heavy fights. I found mystic to be quite helpful. I didn’t wear it around, but a few times, having a dedicated healer was helpful after losing with my normally offensive minded team.

As far as the espers go, the most difficult one (forget the name as well) isn’t nearly as time consuming as Yiazmat. IIRC it’s just a frustrating battle because he rotates between physical and magic damage immunities.

Yeah it was Zodiark.

Shit… You need to get a perfect quickening chain to beat him? Just what qualifies as a perfect quickening chain?

I checked now, and according to the Official Guide, Zodiark does not actually become completely invulnerable, rather it casts spells that protect it from all magic and all physical attacks- almost the same thing, except the spells fade over time, though it will keep recasting them, so you have to constantly keep track of what to strike it with. It also has a shifting elemental weakness. Sounds like a lot of work, but doable. The guide does recommend killing it with a Chain Quickening before its HP get low enough that it starts casting those spells (when it has about 1/4 HP left) though. That would be at about 84,300 HP.

(And WHAT THE HECK is that thing supposed to be? It looks like a bug hanging from a wreath to me! Definitely the most absurd design in the game I’ve seen so far. At least the other Espers were somewhat humanoid.

Sounds like a berzerk assault is in order, then black hole… probably the “perfect quickening chain” in question. I’ve gotten that like 3 times so far.

Question- You say you’re trying to memorize the Guide. Just what are you trying to memorize? That guide is very liberal with spoilers… not that FF12’s story is that great that spoilers matter much, but still.

The guide gives away everything. And that’s how I like it. Spoilers don’t matter to me, heck I’d rather know for sure that I’ll like a game’s story before I buy it (I HATED the little surprise ending in FF Tactics.) I’m reading the whole thing (about 349 pages) and taking notes along the way.

Btw, I’ve had the guide less than a week and already some of the pages are coming off. What a crappy binding, especially for a 20$ guidebook! >:(

Oh, the WHOLE pre-walkthrough section just came apart a couple weeks into my playing the game.

I didn’t hate the surprise ending, but it was one of the major WTF moments I’ve ever experienced.

Trust me, quickenings are the only way. I tried. Doing nearly 100 k of damage with quickenings is a bitch to put it mildly.

Is magic power the main factor in the power of quickenings or Phys. Strength or level?

From what the book says, it seems like each Quickening has a set Power level and it’s the combinations between them that vary the damage amount. I’m not sure I understand how that works yet.

I beat Zodiark without using Quickenings. Although honestly I don’t recall how I did it now. 8-(

As for weapon types, you can really ignore a bunch of them. I never used Bombs (random damage = no thank you) or Measures for the most part, for example.

Hoping for a huge quickening is one option. Another option is to configure your party to alternate between physical and magic damage.

A perfect quickening is when you hit level 1, 2 and 3 quickenings 4 times. For this to happen you need a lot of mist charges and a lot of luck.

Concurrence    -  Quickening Level  -        Amount  -
Inferno        -    Level 1         -       3 Times  -
Cataclysm      -    Level 1         -       8 Times  -
Torrent        -    Level 2         -       3 Times  -
Wind Burst     -    Level 2         -       6 Times  -
Whiteout       -    Level 3         -       5 Times  -
*Ark Blast     -    Level 1/2/3     -    2 Times Each- 
*Luminescence  -    Level 1/2/3     -    3 Times Each-
*Black Hole    -    Level 1/2/3     -    4 Times Each-
*Means you have to perform a leve1 1, level 2 and a
level 3 in the amounts stated*

edit: sauce = Genzen’s quickening guide @ gamefaqs

Not much else to add here, but I mostly used a similar strategy to Sin’s (except when the gambits needed to be adapted to a particular situation, as mentioned before) and it was awesome. I tried different weapons to be original, but I ended up having 3 characters with great swords, Ultima, Excalibur and Tournesol, dealing 9999 damage per hit. I gave up on the Wyrmhero Blade after the Tournesol, though. -_-

Smart move. I actually found that two Masamunes and a Tournesol worked wonders, and you’ll get one Masamune for beating a mark and you can get the other one simultaneously with the Tournesol. Excalibur is also good, but I waited on doing Ultima until after pretty much every single other sidequest other than Zodiark, so it wasn’t much use at that point.

It’s funny… for the first time in… I have no idea how long, I’m into a game’s side quests enough to actually want to do as many of them as possible, as opposed to just get all the spells and best weapons. However, if getting the tournisol means downing Zodiark, Yaizmat and the Omega Mark, I just dont know if I want to go through all that. I’ll never forget spending like a month just to get prepared for the Emerald Weapon.

The Tournesol probably requires about 10 hours of work, yes. And it can be quite tedious. But it’s pretty sweet when you get it - especially since you can get a Masamune at the same time relatively easily.

As nice as those super swords are, its mostly for the look and the ego that you’ll be getting them because odds are, your damage will have been capped with weaker weapons.