Favorite RPG'S?

So my favorite rpg’s are final fantasy 7,8,9 but ff 7 is the best and i also like digital devil saga for the ps2 and tales of symphonia for the gamecube so i want to know what everyone’s thoughts

[QUOTE=FallenKnight7]So my favorite rpg’s are final fantasy 7,8,9 but ff 7 is the best and i also like digital devil saga for the ps2 and tales of symphonia for the gamecube so i want to know what everyone’s thoughts are?

my fav rpg would have to be ff7-10-2, kingdom hearts, dark cloud 2, dragon quest 8 and most likely any other ff game coming in the future!!!

chocobo will is mocking my flaming pants for fallenknight7.

What the fuck?

My favourite RPG would be if they put ff 7 , 8 ,9 together the make the best ff game ever. I have it on good authority it would be long and hard. Just the way things should be.

ya u guys have good rpgs lol but ya dont listen to jon.k he is our friend and he like saying stuff but ya good games.

Lol, thats got to be the best mod edit in a long time. If only it had context.

I hate to sound mean or anything, but since you’re a new member of our community, I figure I’ll save you a world of hurt; the better english that you use, the more likely people around here are going to take you seriously. As evidenced in a thread elsewhere in this forum, many of the members here are out of their teenage years, or at the very least leaving them. Thus, we sometimes find it hard to read things that don’t make a lot of sense.

As for your original question, I believe that we all have those listed underneath our avatars on the left of our posts, but if I had to choose something, it’d be the Dragon Quest series, the Ys series, the first two games in either the Lufia or Lunar series, the first six games in the Final Fantasy series (plus FFIX), the Star Ocean series, etc. In conclusion, I’m indecisive. :smiley:

Holy shit, the last boss battle in that game would be intense!

Grandia II. It is for the mysterious turn of events, the good jokes, the good storyline, equipment/power development style, but most of all, THE BATTLE SYSTEM. Yes, THE BATTLE SYSTEM. Final Fantasy VIII is, in my opinion, far beneath the battle system of Grandia II.

Second, Final Fantasy VIII. Thanks to various unanswered questions and various plot holes, it gives people PLENTY of room for fanfictions hehe. But other than that, nice characters, good storyline, not as good jokes but jokes still, the epic tale itself, and the tiny twist in the end… Though if the final battle wasn’t such a piece of woodblock (all dependent on how fast you can get on with your business and how good your offense and defense is, which, by the way, even level 100 stats couldn’t take with various strong magic junctions and all commands revealed). However, worth playing after all.

I like Crono Trigger, Crono Cross, FFVI, FFIX, LufiaII, Zelda:Ocarina of Time/Majoras Mask/Minish Cap, Pokemon Emerald, Secret of Mana, Tales of Phantasia, Radiata Stories (I think that’s the name) im probably forgetting some.

Ya id say FF7, 10, Kingdom hearts 1 and 2 and maybe KOTOR

i totally agree man FF7 was the best