Favorite anime

For your information, I’ve seen a few episodes of a lot of anime shows. These are the only ones I’ve seen and liked.

How many is a lot? 10? 20? 30? 100? How many other things do you have to compare these with? Becides you, I don’t think that anyone will argue the fact that if DBZ is one of someone’s all time favorite animes then that means they haven’t seen much of anything to compare it to.

Let’s see, I’ve probably seen between 20 and 30 anime shows all together, and I only like 6. And these were all popular shows. Just because I like DBZ and not these shows means nothing. In fact, I’ve been to a few anime conventions and I think you guys are obsessive freaks (if I may stereotype for a moment). I like a lot of shows, but I don’t form clubs around them. Get a life!

Nice, you pulled out the “everyone becides me is an obsessed anime fanboy” card. Quality.

Why thank you, I personally enjoyed the get a life bit. It was so fun I think I’ll do it again, GET A DAMN LIFE!

Dude, you’re (or were) in a marching band. >>

Still am, and even I think you guys are freaks.

If we’re freaks, take your ball and go home.

Ohhhhh mmmm YES! I love DBZ too Tuba! =o It’s like, only my favoret anime EVER!

I especially love when they talk off their shirts- OH GOD MENTAL ORGASM- and then their pants- OH OH OHHHH GAWD- and then they ingage in close epic ‘battles’ with eachother; so hot and sweaty. You always see them cooooommming down paaaannnting. OH OH OH. And I love it when they have those eps where it’s just Goku with his shirt off and he’s flexing. Couldn’t you just DROOL all over him? And with the training, they really are ‘training’, eh Tuba? ^.~ I totaly know where you’re cooooming from with this. Don’t listen to silly old epic! (Tee hee! ^.~) He can’t understaaaaaand what gets us meeeeeen going. Oh mmm… just thinking about it gets me all giddy, you too Tuba?

Hey Tuba… y’know… if you’re not busy later, send me a PM- I’d love to get to know you more ^.~


So you’ll discriminate against everyone on this forum, yet you find it a worth while activity to post here?

I never said I hated freaks, I’m one too.