Faria Shrine Problems

I can’t upload my files to the server correclty. Everything shows up blank even though the files are correct and my FTP program, called Transfer, says they uploaded just fine.

I can’t use the one in the guide to making shrines because that FTP program is for Windows and I have a worthless Mac. I should have stuck with Windows!

What exactly are you getting when you browse to your files? A blank page or a 404 error? And does your FTP program say that the server-side file is 0 bytes or the actual file size? Can you give me a link to an example page?

blank pages with 0 byte tranfers. that can’t be right.


It probably means your transfer got cut off halfway through. It might also be a problem with your FTP program. Try it again; if it still doesn’t work, try to find another program. ^^;

index.shtml is the problematic file for me. I determined via the process of elimination that it was making my area come up blank. What is wrong with my file?

Do you mean that all the other files uploaded fine, but not index.shtml?

Well, they hadn’t uploaded correctly before so thsi time I made sure they worked. The filesizes were not zero but the one file that was making the shrine appear blank was the index.shtml file which is required for me to view the shrine page.

Does that mean that the index.shtml is showing up as zero bytes?

ok, here’s what happened. The files transfer ok. I shut down the program. I turn it on again later. Suddenly all the trasnferred files read 0 bytes even though they are clearly there. index.shtml won’t transfer at all even though it should. index.shtml immediately reads at 0 bytes when I attempt to transfer it. What’s wrong?

I’ve never heard of this kind of problem. -_- Have you tried another FTP program? There has to be more than one for Mac…

I also wonder if you’ve got a firewall or blocked port or something that’s preventing the transfers. I doubt it, but you never know…

AAHHHHH! I just found out today why everything wasn’t uploading. Apparently the computer I own in my suite on a college campus has special internet firewalls which prevent me transferring data. It was designed to stop people from using Limewire or Kazaa. This presents me with a problem, mainly being that there are no computers on campus which do not have the special firewalls, I don’t own a car, and I’m out in the middle of nowhere. I’ll have to think of something.

Hmm… sounds like we need an upload script. Unfortunately I don’t have much time to write one. 8-\