See, Quina, there’s hope after all, provided you happen to be an extremely popular set of people who are willing to give their considerable talents for free.
dances all over the place I’m so happy! I love King’s Quest! I just hope that these guys are… you know… good. I’m sure that it will be better than the last King’s Quest, which would have been okay if it wasn’t marketed as a King’s Quest game. I mean, they use Connor, who isn’t even part of the royal family line. They change it from an adventure game to an action game. Ugh. Anywayyyyyy… I’m just so excited (I just can’t hide it!).
Unfortunately, the development team lost two months due to the previous cancellation, which means the first chapter won’t be out this month as planned. Still, I’m glad to see that the fans have finally won a match against the big guys. Now if we could only do the same with Lucasarts… dreams of Sam and Max 2
Holy shit, that’s one of the best prizes ever :x
Also, shhh don’t let quina know that other forums exist.
Hurrah! It’s Christmas!
Techincally, It’s in a fortnight. Anyways I’ve finnished. So YEAH!!
So What the series is like?
And Isn’t Quina Banned?
Against Sierra/Vivendie too…
These guys have my respect, I wish they showed us how they did it. It would help ALL of us get back the titles we respect… with no crappy remakes coughMagmaCumLaudecough
That reminds me, wasn’t there an independent group doing a sequel for Fate of Atlantis somewhere?
King Quest is the best. Did that rhyme?
Wonderful news, thanks Cid. KQ V was the first PC game that I played and it was a magical, interactive fairy tale experience. Of course I “had” to play all the sequels and KQ is definitely my favorite game series.
BTW, a few months ago I downloaded KQ I VGA and KQ II VGA from AGD Interactive
I played the first one (Voice acting! nice) for about 10 minutes…then something came up. OK I am playing the game right away. Got to go, bye