I promise not to throw a tantrum this time… Besides, this pic is pretty cool. I know there are problems in it, and I’m curious to know how I can fix them.
I have this thing with drawing Sephiroth and Vincent in battle stance. (Still, could you imagine them back to back fighting against a whole buttload of cannon fodder–er, fighters? >wink< It’d be a kick ass battle, I could tell you that. Almost makes me want to write it, but ah well.)
This was inspired after watching Rurouni Kenshin a couple of times. >shrugs< I’m weird.
Very cool, Silver. It’s a fluid pick and Seph and Vincent’s poses and looks match each other very well.
The only thing I can think of that could use work is Vincent’s gun hand and the weapon itself, those look a little blurry. Scanner’s fault perhaps?
Like Weiila said, Vincent’s gun & hand, are blurry, and Serphiroth’s sword, looks a little different from what it should (namely, the blade looks too short, the handle looks too long, and the blade is slightly crooked)
Other than that it looks so cool, you should try colouring it, I think it would look so kickass, if it was coloured!!
Yeah, I think Sephiroth’s hands are holding the sword kinda awkwardly, looks like he’s trying to balance the sword on his left thumb or something. He needs to grip that thing and chop you in half!
The hair and pose work are very, very nice though. Can’t wait to see the coloured version, if you’re gonna do one.
Yeah, his hands are weird. I couldn’t quite get them right, seeing as how I was drawing from a memory of another picture I saw. However, that drawing had the guy in a completely different position, so the hands actually looked like they were supposed to be that way. Also, from watching Rurouni Kenshin, the Masamune probably doesn’t look very Masamune-ish. Besides, I like the long-handle look.
And, yeah, Vincent’s hand is blurry because of the scanner. I’m showing you the picture as is, without any touch-ups in Photoshop, so there’s bound to be some blotchyness and blurriness in there.The whole picture wouldn’t fit, although it only cut off about half an inch of Sephiroth’s hair.
At least I’m getting better at drawing guns a bit…>snorts< I suck at drawing guns. Damn them and Vincent’s dependency on them. >hands everybody a cookie<
Just to nitpick on the gun (:P), there should be a (maybe two) aiming nick(s) in the forward top portion of the gun, and the thumb needs to be wrapped around the other side of the handle (if he’s cocking it, then the thumb needs to be on top). Also, barrel is a bit too short for where the trigger ends (I think it might be more the trigger going forward too much rather than the barrel being too short).
Originally posted by Cless Alvein Just to nitpick on the gun (:P), there should be a (maybe two) aiming nick(s) in the forward top portion of the gun, and the thumb needs to be wrapped around the other side of the handle (if he’s cocking it, then the thumb needs to be on top). Also, barrel is a bit too short for where the trigger ends (I think it might be more the trigger going forward too much rather than the barrel being too short).
That’s all that’s (noticeably) wrong about the gun? Sweet! I didn’t do half bad this time. (I suck so horribly with guns.)
I’ll have that edited when I finish coloring it. I already (attempted) to fix the problem with Sephiroth’s left hand, tucking the thumb under and moving the knuckles to give the appearence of a stronger grip. But the handle’s staying long. I like long handles. >juveline giggle<
Ha! I finished! Go figure the site goes down just as I’m ready to put the pic up, huh? I tried my best to correct the mistakes that were mentioned, so hopefully it looks better now.
Evil, evil black cape thing… So, what do you guys think?
Very sweet. I like the redlection of the light off the sword. Every thing works. The only qualm I have and I use it losely is that that it is hard to tell the difference between Vincents hair and the background. I still think it looks great though.
that is AWESOME!!! I wish I could do stuff like that… sniffle
I have one of those artistic talents where if I’m too tired to remember I drew anything for a few days… when I go back and look to make sure it wasn’t a dream I’ll find some pretty awesome looking stuff sometimes O_O