Personally, as much as I’d love it to happen, I doubt it. Seth said he wanted to work on his new cartoon American Dad. However, he did mention that there will be a straight to video Family Guy movie with the plot most likely being that of Stewie realizing he’s gay.
It had crappy ratings because Fox kept moving around to weird times without really saying when they were moving it to. That can kill any show. And they did try to bring it back, but Wish Upon a Weinstein sorta made Fox can it before it aired. >.>
Unless you have the DVD with that episode on it, you most likely saw the Cartoon Network version of it. Instead of singing “I don’t think they killed my Lord,” he said “Even though they killed my Lord.” That, coupled with all of the other Jewish stereotypes, deemed the show offensive. Yeah, it wasn’t a bad episode, and it was obvious they didn’t mean to be malicious. However, Fox is a company. It has to deal with PR problems. They would rather not face a PR nightmare that could come out of Weinstein, so they made the good, I think, business decision and canned Family Guy.
Now if the FG crew were willing to not show Weinstein, then that’s fine. Fox should have kept them then, but I don’t think they were willing to not show it.
Family Guy was an awesome show, I’m somewhat glad they ended it early before the show starts to lose steam, but yes, I own the first Family Guy season on DVD and it is the best $35 I ever spent.