ESPECIALLY for Mr. Saturn

I know you’ll love this.

I mean, a line like “‘Children need to be taught from preschool that they might have to put a bullet between the eyes of their own undead mother,’ Fulci said.” is just unbelievable.

That funny Vicki. I have a feeling it poking fun at the Bird Flu scare going on right now…but with zombies.

Rirse, this has bugged me for a while, do you purposely leave out words sometimes? Or something else?

Also, funny, funny, Vick.

So great!

28 days later =3


Red Comet, it is because I tend to quickly type up sentences while online, so I tend to forget verbs when commenting.

I find that it is easier to use a blunt object rather than a chainsaw when fighting the living dead.

A chainsaw is a terrible weapon for fighting zombies, for many reasons.

You guys need to read The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead by Max Brooks (Mel Brooks’ son).

It is hilarious zombie goodness.

Noted. Does “Zombie Survival Guide” work for headcrab zombies, too?

Sorry, I am unfamiliar with the term “headcrab zombies.”


Ah, I see.

No, no advice for the headcrabs.

It deals with the real zombies, and how to survive a zombie outbreak. It is written in a completely serious manner, and will be very useful when the apocalypse starts.

It is broken down into sections such as, the biology of a zombie, recognizing a zombie outbreak, killing zombies, choosing weapons, defending a home, and the worst-case-scenario, a completely undead planet.

It is a great read, regardless of whether you take it seriously or not.

The soft fleshy bits, when rotten, tend to absorb the impact from a non-sharp object. Sure, you might break a bone but it doesn’t prevent then from crawling, etc. Chainsaw will cut that soft bit to shreds.

Yeah, but after 20 minutes, where are you finding gas for said chainsaw? Not to mention the chances to injure yourself.

Your best bet is a machette and a .22 rifle. Rifle from a distance, machette up close.

Go, go, The Onion!

Hehe that’s pretty funny. “Cornelius recommends that Pittsburgh residents prepare a “go-bag” containing a Glock 17 pistol and 50 rounds of ammunition” Can I get one of those go-bags?

Ah, I thought it was something like that. Hope I didn’t offend you or anything. :slight_smile:

has actually spent a decent amount of time preparing n case of a zombie attack

It’s sad, but I really have a plan of action for zombies set out. I got shotguns set, Blessed Super Soakers (the priest I asked to do this laughed his ass off when I told him why, and he went along with it jsut because it was so damn stupid), a decent supply of gasoline stocked up and a Jeep I picked out specifically in case I need to caravan with a bunch of people. Oh, and I trained myself to accept the possibility that I may someday have to blow my sister’s head off to keep her from ever becoming one of the Restless Dead. That’s love, right?

…I need help.

Hey, when the people that laughed at you are getting their brains gouged out, then we’ll see who needs help!

The super soakers themselves are blessed?

Holy water’s a lot harder to get than you think. I’m just hoping this adds some benefit to it all. of course, this is assuming these are supernatural zombies. If we’re talkign scientific zombies, they won’t do shit against them. And if we’re talkign voodoo zombies… God help us all.