Anime-Kraze subbed a short [Ergo_Proxy-_00_Sneak_Preview_Vol.1[E52EEE9E].mp4.torrent"]teaser]( of this a while ago and episode one has [%20Ergo%20Proxy%2001%20[1280x720]%20[AAC5.1]%20[FE8B7FB6].torrent"]just been subbed, and since this is the latest series by the group behind style-over-substance Samurai Champloo I expect it to become the Next Big Thing ™ by default.
So far it seems interesting to say the least. I personally am not a huge fan of SP but the art style (and plot. NOiSE anyone?) of this is extremely reminiscent of Tsutomu Nihei’s work and I am a sucker for any kind of science-fiction show so I will definately be watching.
Apparently it’s already been pre-licensed but hopefully a decent group will pick this up on the sly so we can have more stylish Samurai Cowboy Champloo Bebop future-action. Frankly with this pedigree I expect at least five versions of episode one.
Now we discuss how much we hate/love Samurai Champloo. Go.