Eden and the Fantastic Avatar!

Great avatar or greatest avatar?

You decide!


I enjoyed the one before it more, but this one is still great. Long, too!

Greatest but I don’t know what’s going on.

Its great as far as quality goes, but i don’t really like it. Is there one we should be comparing it to?

I loved the dancing schoolgirl, but this is awesome. I love love love this one. :smiley:

What’s this from, anyway? It looks strangely familiar.

It is both the greatest avatar, and also every great avatar, so I marked both.

Did you just drop a Bridget on me?

So like four of the voters voted for both.

I addressed my decision.

One man one vote, people!

That’s not what the checkable boxes told me.

What IS the av from?
It is a cool one :slight_smile: I voted greatest.
One man one vote! The checkboxes just mean you have to practice self-control?

One woman how many votes?

One, just like how you guys should do it, except we say “wuh” first… I think. Still just one.