Okay, if this be wrong forum or dumb question or… yea, whatever, lol, sorry.
Anyways… does anybody know if there is a Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 chatroom where you could play? You know, with a DM and its players… and a nice lil dice program.
If anyone knows of one, I’d appreciate it, thanks~
Well, before the huge change, I suppose… even then, I really wasn’t THAT active, so I could understand if I’m not familiar.
Also, I’ve answered to a mail bag once or twice. Plus, sometimes, I helped SG out with finding people who would steal the midis from the fan-music section.
Bahamut (dice-bot/log-bot/funny-sounding-kick-bot) has reported that you have visited my channel several times, but somehow we keep missing each other. (courtesy of my being AFK to buy more source manuals). Let’s see if we can’t actually meet each other next time?
Let’s try 2:00 United States Eastern Daylight time on Saturday August 30, all right? That means today of course.