Dryads (3rd edition D&D)

So anyway, I borrowed the Savage Species manual off a friend, in hopes of making a Dryad character (for an NPC, but with proper stats and stuff). However, Dryad is not an option in the book. That’s kind of surprising seeing as how the book lists so many classes more bizarre than the Dryad. Nonetheless, does anyone know if there’s some sort of addendum, online or otherwise, official or otherwise, to this book, adding in a few classes that it doesn’t include?

I’m not 100 percent sure, but with 2e, I used to have an addendum which showed you how to make virtually any monster into an NPC(or PC for powergaming). However, it was not an official TSR/WOTC addendum. Try Google or the Wizards website.

I was also surprised by that fact as well, considering that it(Dryad Character) was in a similar book in 2e.

There was a Dryad NPC in Baldur’s Gate, also.

And Book, the subject was not about whether a Dryad could be a PC. Most monsters outside of Orcs, Goblins, Kobolds and Merfolk are not used as PCs. Unless, of course, you’re powergaming or using house rules.

But you are right, according to logic, a dryad would not be able to be a PC. Neither would a lycanthrope or undead. However, I’ve met DMs who allow such in special campaigns.

Its a simple reason why dryads can’t be a PC. They’re linked to their tree. They can’t go too far, and die if they go beyond a certain range, or if their tree is cut down.

Bonsai Tree, easy.

The thing is that’s not too far off from what I was thinking. >>

Maybe the dryad could hang out for a sub-quest, but would she be able to follow the group around the world? No =/

Well, if the dryad had a bansai tree and permant levitate spell, it could.

I doubt a bansai tree can be old enough to produce the dryad’s magic. >>;

some bonzais are hundreds of years old…but i’d only allow that in a game world that had a eastern feel (like OA) or maybe an eastern civilization

Couldn’t you just use the “Monsters as Races” section in the DM’s guide to make a Dryad (N)PC?

Here’s the SRD form of the section http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monstersAsRaces.htm