Dropped books of the Old Testament.

Yeah, actually, these forums have dozens of Catholics. It’s one of the two major religious classifications here:

  1. Catholic
  2. People who act on catholic values but claim to be atheists in an effort to appear as rugged and infallibly logical as possible.

Um, Ireland is so hardcore catholic that I can only assume you were being sarcastic :open_mouth:

I am

I’m Catholic :slight_smile:

Yes, but are y’all “Catholic” in the sense that your family is Catholic and you were raised as a Catholic, or are you Catholic in the sense that you truly believe in Catholicism and follow its creeds?

Honestly, I wouldn’t consider somebody who is only the former to be Catholic at all.

Well, I follow most of them, but I have my own meanings for some of them. Like adultery. To me, that would be having sex with someone you don’t love, or at least believe truly that you’re in love with, while to the church it’s having sex with someone you aren’t married to.

Well, we are hardcore, but we’re so hardcore it doesn’t even matter what others think anymore. :slight_smile:

Yes, I do believe in Catholicism, I try and follow it’s teachings, however no one is perfect.

Well, except that one guy

I was raised Catholic but I kinda… well, let’s just say I lost it. Why would you think that anyway?

I’m thinking of founding the First Agnostic Church of Nothing In Particular. “And lo, did whoever create the universe suggest that we probably oughtn’t kill each other, and that stealing from thy fellow person generally wasn’t a good idea either …”

I was raised methodist, and i got so turned off by the christian church because of it. I think i could be a catholic more than a methodist or some-other-form-of-protestantism, because of how rigid and strict it is. I fucking hated how casual the churches were. And don’t think that this was just one church, and one experience, i went to alot of churches, and a bunch of types, but always something non-formal. The churches i went to and the sermons i heard didn’t even feel like a religion to me. It was just like “you know what? jesus wants you to do this, but if you can’t, hey, its ok, you’ll get around to it eventually. now who wants doughnuts?” And the people in the church were yuppie soccer-moms and dads, and their kids, who obviously were just there as a technicality, or for just something to do on a sunday morning. I dunno, i just want something more than that, something with some meat and substance. I used to think i was too cool for christianity or whatever, or that i was MY OWN RELIGION 'CAUSE I JUST GOTTA BE ME, but now i see all i wanted was order and form to what i was involved with. I guess thats why i am interested in going deeper into the religion. I was always kind of told (and this wasn’t just as a little kid) that jesus told the his apostles and people he knew to write the bible, and a non-fiction story of his travels. I always kind of looked at it as a biography, rather than a religious text, and i never really read into it.

So uh, yeah. >_>

I am SO in that one.

I’ll join it, unless it loses me my Church of World Peace given liscence to perform legal marriages. At least until they realize I’m not eighteen… shhhh!

I’m a semi-athist. Sort of an agnostic too. I don’t really believe in any gods, but I definitely believe very strongly in the idea of luck. Also, I enjoy gambling and playing all forms of odds very much, and there is no chance human life would have developed without divine intervention (mathematically, there seriously is a 0% chance), but there is also a zero-percent chance of a divine being. Which kinda puts me up at odds, no pun intended. Okay, maybe it was, a little bit.

'cause you live in Argentinia, and everybody in Argentinia is - at least on the paper - Catholic.

No, we aren’t O_o

Don’t argue with ‘the paper,’ SE. ‘The Paper’ knows all!


But look what the almighty WorldFactBook says!
" nominally Roman Catholic 92% (less than 20% practicing)" Nominally = on paper.
And yes, the paper knows all, 'cause it’s the Factbook! (http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html)

If you really want to learn about this stuff, you should probably take some classes in college. Talking to a theologian also would help. My Uncle is one, and we talked about this stuff a few times, but he really didn’t go into much detail. Suffice to say, their are various sources for the stuff that goes in the bible. They all have letters, like J or S. I think one of them is called the Dead Sea Scrolls. It’s all very interesting. I’m sure they have it on the internet somewhere.

Do followers of the Path of the Left Hand count as Catholic?

Feh. All religions are cults, except with more members.

I take it your atheist or a Jehova’s witness. I’m guessing the former as Jehova’s witnesses don’t like anything that gives pleasure a.k.a. computers/ video games.