Downtime 2016-09-24

Sorry about that. Server had a bit of a snafu while I was too busy to notice and fix it. Should be alright now.

Whew. For a second, I thought I had walked right into a hack attack.

Doesn’t look like the site’s lost anything yet.

I was halfway expecting the nodebb version to be coming up when I saw this was down :stuck_out_tongue:

I haven’t had the time to work with that much and the conversion process isn’t having much luck with the vBulletin codes - [b], [spoiler] &c. Maybe someday but not until I have an actual holiday, I expect.

Gotcha. If there’s anything I can do to help, let me know.

Was just wondering; what are the future prospects for RPGC?


Shame. I rather liked this forum. :confused:

I even miss Setz.

Old message boards never die. They just fade away…

Let’s not go overboard.