I was bored as hell yesterday and decided to browse the gamestop.com website for games that I want this year for PS2 and GCN. Then I came upon Megaman Anniversary Edition on GCN. Holy crap! This is a happy day! It’s got Mega Mans I-VIII plus two games that only came out in Japan. It’s slated for a May 11 release. It wont come fast enough for me.
I’ve heard of this. You bet your ASS that I will be counting the minutes.
OIn another note, anthologies like this usualy have at least one hidden game. I’ll bet anything that if this one has any, it’ll have Megaman Soccer. :hahaha;
It’s only $30. I don’t the quality of the games will be diminished because It’s on another console. The GCN controller seems to work well for platformers anyway. I don’t think it’ll be Mega Man Soccer GG. The page says the games were “Japan only”.
The two “Japan Only” games are Megaman Power Battles 1 and 2. And that’s slightly mislading…the first one WAS released in the US. They’;re both arcade games, and the first one made it stateside.
Zeta, I’m not a mod (I just play one on TV :hahaha; ) but I would bash a game, saying “it sucks” without giving a few reasons. It’ really immature. I myself have a vendetta with Mega Man Soccer anyway. Well, it’s really with Blockbuster but it’s a long strory. Here’s the short version:
I rented MMS from a local Blockbuster and returned it on time. Ever since they won’t let us rent anything on my dad’s card because they still think we never returned it. I don’t like Blockbuster anyway, it’s way too expensive.
My love of MegaMan is well-expressed here and elsewhere. It’s one of the few reasons my GC is not winging it’s way back to the shop from whence it came.
It’s hard to believe these days, but I used to rule at Megaman.
I completed games 1-9 back when they came out.
I played X, but I don’t remember finishing it. Haven’t tried any others since.
What happened? My reflexes slowed down. Just aging, I guess.
But at least I rule at RPGs. :hahaha;
And I still have a soft spot for Mega. I haven’t played the Megaman Rpgs yet (too many games, too little money) but I hope to some day.