Doesn't Macc die.

Doesn’t dark macc die when Macc dies and vice versa and when each other is hurt the other is hurt.

All offical Souces for Macc, Bob and George, Farts and Online Life suggest that If one dies the other will also.

That “zort” proberbly didn’t do any damage it just added several levels worth of EXP. Something TD should get if he pulls it off.

BTW: The Dusted up Guys and Gal’s are at L10 and everyone else is starting at L1. G and Dark Macc are proberbly L10 but it is not confermed.

Yeah, I was wondering that, too. So, is Macc feeling like his arms and legs got cuf off?

May be MMORPG software could Break the link.

I imagine spoony will reply “There are no plotholes” or “A wizzard did it.”

on that, what class is evryone?