Desktop time, bitches.

<img SRC=“” alt=“The cat will make you big.”>

<img src=“”>

3 things.

  1. Yeah, my name’s Jake, wanna fight about it?
    2)I win the “fewest icons” award.
    3)Epic, I know who made that wallpaper! <3

I feel ridiculous posting a 1280x1024 image, but whatever. Epic did it >_>;;;;

On second thought, I’ll just link it.

<a href=“”>Clicka.</a>

By the way, I love how most of the desktops posted so far display a time between 1 and 5 am.

Posting links like Hades would be convenient.



<div align=“center”><a href=“”><img src=“” border=“0”></a></div>

td is not 13:37 :frowning:

I sure am.

<a href=“”><img src=“”></a>
Not very exciting, but meh. :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like an uber n00b for asking this, but i’m not very computer savvy anymore…how do I do this? Do I hit the Print Screen button, and if so, where do I find that picture at? I suck at life.

TD! I can see that woman’s nipples through her shirt!

And uh, I’ll get around to posting mine after I’m done taking the shower I’m about to

Hit Print Screen, go into an image editor, paste, save, upload, voila.

Mine is a little inappropriate to post.

[STRIKE]Pressing Print Screen is the same as pressing Copy over an image, only with the entire screen. All you have to do is open Paint or some other program and press Paste.[/STRIKE]


Come on! Just post it Xelo, it’s all in the spirit of good fun


Mine kind of qualifies for the need of an 18+ disclaimer. Sorry.

Like I’d have a non GGG desktop…