
My cure usually involves either blowing a space empire or watching Family Guy, anything but sitting/lying on my bed and thinking into a grim spiral of depression. Besides, how the HECK can someone think about anything while watching Family Guy?

Remember that emotions, thoughts and behaviour all fit together in your mind like a triangle, with each of the three as one side. When one side changes, it affects the other two. Thus counteracting depression involves changing one of the three sides.

Most depressed persons find it easiest to change behaviour first, which helps them feel successful after they have accomplished something However, since I have a very hard time with motivation because my emotions are so strong and I cannot easily drive them out of my head. Instead, I use a different technique: I isolate myself (usually in my room) and dwell on my emotions. My emotions only have a certain amount of “fuel”; after a while, the fuel supply ends and they fade. Thus, by dwelling on the emotion, I increase the rate at which the “fuel” is consumed and exhaust it faster. There is no guarantee whether or not this technique will work for you, but it does for me, although it can be painful at times.

If one of my parents is present and willing to lend an ear, I sometimes use another technique. My parents know very well of my depression and know that the automatic negative thoughts upon which I dwell are irrational. Thus, they engage me in rhetorical debate and I end up losing since they convince me that my negative thoughts are irrational. That places new postive thoughts in my head. Because my emotions are so strong, I cannot easily convince myself (but I have managed to do it before with a lot of difficulty); I need someone else to help me.

If depression is actually seriously beginning to impair your daily routine, then consider seeing a counsellor or therapist.

I need to buy those family guy dvds on amazon…

A cure for depression involves anything that’ll get your mind off what you’re depressed; particularly useful if you don’t know what that is. I would suggest taking up a lot of classes. Music and such are good too. What you really need to do is put some serious freakin’ thought into what’s bothering you and deal with it (most people don’t and thus stay depressed - they either don’t think , which is typical or they don’t do shit, out of weakness)

I really don’t get why people are hesitant to leave HS… But then I wanted to get the hell out of there faster than I like to ban spammers.

Depression is different for everyone.Trying to occupy your mind with things that you like to do is not easy.Quite often, if you’re depressed, and you start playing a favorite video game (as an obvious example) then the fun and the motivation you would have had otherwise, is not there.Thus, you associate your favorite activites with prolonged depression.I also recommend dwelling on your thoughts and trying to figure out what is the problem, if there is any, and in time it will pass.I cant say how long, because it’s different for everyone-levels and extremity of depression, techniques, etc.Once you’re all the way down, there’s no place to get but up, right?

Well, you could start taking out your anger on a punchbag. p:unch:: Or you could just take time to chill out with your thoughts.

depression sucks. Never had it (clinically) but I’ve been sad lotsa times. :stuck_out_tongue:
Just remember, joy brings strength to dead limbs.
I almost feel guilty for saying it, but I’ve had an AWESOME week.
I won a prototype yo-yo - w00t!
anyway, hope it passes.

This might seem really weird- but if you can get your hands on some hot peppers, that has helped my depression in the past. I’m really not sure why. o_o

If you like nature, you could take a walk around, sit on a rock or something, and just watch the sky, avoiding the sun of course. I sometimes can feel happy when looking around when outside and or just walking around the field near my house. Good luck in getting to your ole chipper self again.

enter KaiserVonDittohead

It’s dittohead time…

Originally posted by Sinistral
I need to buy those family guy dvds on amazon…

Hellz yeah. Me too…

What you really need to do is put some serious freakin’ thought into what’s bothering you and deal with it (most people don’t and thus stay depressed - they either don’t think , which is typical or they don’t do shit, out of weakness)

Right. One of the reasons why I think the occasional bout of depression is a good thing (if handled right) is that it puts you in a very good position to be introspective and analyze yourself and your life and discover something about yourself and how you think. Depression isn’t something to get rid of or “make go away” as soon as possible. And this is why too much escapism isn’t helpful; you just numb the pain and fail to address the problem, which only assures its eventual resurfacing.

However, a little escapism or distraction is good, if only to get you “up” or get you going again, so that you can “get over it” just enough to be able to look back and examine that the root of all that gloom is.

Physical activity is almost always a good “cure” for depression; the act of moving around and doing stuff helps. I don’t know the physiology of this stuff (endorphins are probably involved somehow), but basically it’s easier to be depressed and stay depressed when you’re laying around being lethargic; it’s harder to be depressed when you’re out jogging (or walking, or chopping wood, or whatever) and your heart rate is up and you’re moving and you’re doing stuff.


I really don’t get why people are hesitant to leave HS… But then I wanted to get the hell out of there faster than I like to ban spammers. [/b]

Change is always stressful. Especailly big changes. Especially when one hasn’t really been/felt prepared to make those changes or meet those changes when they are put upon them. Now me, I looked at High School as little more than a 4 year prison term for a misdemeanor or minor felony, and so I was glad to leave without looking back. But apparently, and this is only rumor and hearsay so I can’t confirm it, but apparently there is a small segment of the population that for whatever reason actually ENJOYS those years. Weird…

I’ve found that depression is different for everyone and therefore, so are the cures. The way I do it is to beat the shit out of the nearest object. Unfortunately, I end up punching the walls and fucking up my hands. I don’t like doing things that I usually enjoy doing when I’m depressed because they don’t seem as fun or as good and it seems to make me worse.

Originally posted by KaiserVonAlmasy
Physical activity is almost always a good “cure” for depression; the act of moving around and doing stuff helps. I don’t know the physiology of this stuff (endorphins are probably involved somehow), but basically it’s easier to be depressed and stay depressed when you’re laying around being lethargic; it’s harder to be depressed when you’re out jogging (or walking, or chopping wood, or whatever) and your heart rate is up and you’re moving and you’re doing stuff.

Yes, it works for most, but not me. I have suffered from terrible episodes of depression throughout workouts and have had to leave the weight room to avoid embarrassment as a result.

I’ve found that depression is different for everyone and therefore, so are the cures. The way I do it is to beat the shit out of the nearest object

Doesnt sound like you’re depressed, sounds like you’re pissed off:p

A bit of both. Luckily I’ve let most of it out. Although certain recent events are starting to make it rise again and that is something I really don’t want. I’m disgusting when I’m like that.

Originally posted by Dai ryuujin
That’s bullshit. I hate when people tell me that.

you shouldn’t say that about other people’s opinions…if you disagree then you disagree, just don’t go saying my opinions are bullshit, it’s just not nice

A bit of both. Luckily I’ve let most of it out. Although certain recent events are starting to make it rise again and that is something I really don’t want. I’m disgusting when I’m like that.

Yes, rage and depression when inflicted upon one person at the same time can really tear someone apart…and it’s not controllable all the time either…I hear ya:fungah:

The most horrible thing is though, when I’m like that, I don’t let it out on myself, I let it out on all those around me. I let lose all my emotions on those that are trying to help me.

I know, I have caged anger too, I dont know why.I’m this quiet closed up girl but once I’m set off I’m dangerous.I knocked out my best friend once because of it.I wouldnt say I’m depressed, just bottled up.Can anyone say Anger Management.

Whoa, I didn’t know you were depressed SG. Hey, if you want to go to Quarters or do something this weekend, I’m totally game. Otherwise, just do whatever you can to help ease your mind, plenty of the suggestions people have made here sound reasonable. And, hey, if you need anything, I’d be more than happy to help you out, just give me a call.

It’s alright, I’m better now. I think I found out kinda what depressed me, and I though about how to fix it. I feel pretty good now, though I still need to fix it, heh. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey GM, no quarters this weekend, I’m off to the beach with the band. By the way, will you tell your sister that my dad is being a stupid ass, and I’ll get her the picture money ASAP? I didn’t really talk to her at ALL this week, so yeah.

must…make…Dune 2000 joke…to brighten SG’s day…