Decentralized File-sharing Tools Ruled Legal

There’s all sorts of stuff I’d love to get from Kazaa Lite, such as tWW MP3s, or Chrono Trigger MP3s, or practically eveyr other video game MP3 ever made

However, I’m far too lazy to sift through everything to find what I want, and it’s to much of a bother to wait for someone who actually has the files to log on.

I’ve only found what I wanted about 3 times, and I try all the time.

I get stuff you can’t buy, like live stuff… but with I don’t need to do that, so that means I don’t really need to use Kazaa anymore. Oh well, I’m too lazy to delete it.

Well, as long as i can download all the mp3 i want, without having to pay for it… sorry RIAA