I think this sucks and gotta go. When you murder a murderer you get to the same level as him/her.
In this particular case, I think it was not her fault. Who knows what really happened that day? Maybe those people were harassing her, and she was just defending herself. And my theory that executions are just a show they give to society as in the roman ‘bread and circus’, the execution was witnessed by thousands of people.
Though i don’t agree with the relivence of the article (its an animal) i do agree with you. A guy came to my school one time, who was a ex prison warden and executed 2 or 3 guys (it was a while ago). The was against the death penalty, and man, did he change my mind about it.
I’m for the Death Penalty, but not the way it’s used in California and Texas. It should be used only in the most extreme of extreme cases, such as when a guy rapes seven teenage girls and murders about seven thousand people.
Originally posted by d Galloway I’m for the Death Penalty, but not the way it’s used in California and Texas. It should be used only in the most extreme of extreme cases, such as when a guy rapes seven teenage girls and murders about seven thousand people.
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> I’m also pro-Death Sentence, but like Gallo said, only in very extreme cases and after a very thorough investigation. You could argue that it’s more merciful than forcing someone to spend the rest of their life living in prison, but let’s not. Also, in a more practical manner, that gives more room for other inmates in the prison cells (we’re kinda cramped in Holland, not sure how it is in the good ol’ US of A)
A lot of prisons are horribly overcrowded in the US- I know it was a rather large issue around Memphis since there were too many inmates, not enough jail cells, and not enough prison workers.
Originally posted by Tenchimaru Draconis Also, in a more practical manner, that gives more room for other inmates in the prison cells (we’re kinda cramped in Holland, not sure how it is in the good ol’ US of A)
Man. Imagine how crowded they would be if drugs and prostitution were still illegal, TD.
I personally am for the death penalty. I would say Timothy McVeigh deserved death. If someone just kills one person, I would be less likely to be pro-death in their case, maybe just long long jail time. I guess it’s sort of sliding scale for me: more people you murder, more likely I would be pro-death.
Personally, I don’t agree with the death sentence. The death sentence used to be in place in Britain and recently, there have been several cases where new evidence has shown that innocent people were hung for crimes they didn’t commit. In the end, it’s almost impossible to be 100% sure in all cases that the party involved was guilty.
Well, the way I see, the death penalty theoretically has three practical reasons. 1) It should discourage other people from comitting heinous crimes. 2) It gives some kind of psychological help to families of the victims. 3) I think its only purpose is that it gives us, the teeming middle-class masses who are afraid of blacks and other loose elements of society, some kind of psychological relief. Allow me to explain.
Now, notice I said ‘theoretically’, which means we don’t know if the death penalty really does what its supposed to. Reason number 2 probably does happen in most cases and can’t really be argued against. However, I think reason 1, that the death penalty somehow decreases particularly violent crimes, just isn’t true. I think most people who commit crimes punishable by the death penalty don’t feel any kind of hesitance because of the existence of the death penalty. At the time they commit the crime, they don’t count on being caught for it, and the knowledge that they could get executed instead of going to jail isn’t any kind of stronger incentive to refrain from committing the crime, because they assume that they’re not going to be punished, period. Also, they’ve done some documentaries on how much criminals think about the death penalty, and they found that most criminals who are executed by the death penalty were so poor and removed from any kind of knowledge of the legal system that they didn’t know the death penalty even existed before they received it. Finally, perhaps the strongest reason against the death penalty, is that many people who are executed are in fact innocent. Eyewitness testimony has been, once again, been scientifically proven to be unreliable. People make things up, often unknowingly. The only kind of absolutely reliable evidence linking a suspect to a crime is DNA evidence.
Okay, so am I in favor of the death penalty? I suppose so, but with a reservation. I believe the death penatly should only be applicable when DNA evidence establishes without a doubt that the suspect commtted the crime. The death penalty isn’t effective in any way in preventing crimes. Its only real purposes are to provide psychological relief to the families of the victims, and to society in general. If the families of the victims need that relief, I can’t argue against that. But for society in general to need the relief, well, that disgusts me a little and I think its something we need to admit to ourselves, and try to get past.
Until a perfect, absolutely flawless justice system exists, I’m against it.
TD) Can’t tell if you’re joking, but you might not be. Timothy McVeigh was America’s homegrown terrorist, followed in infamy perhaps only by the Unabomber (a crank who mailed pipe bombs to a number of people in the country). He set off a bomb at a government building in the state of Oklahoma…oh, '95, I think it was. Maybe '96. He didn’t level the thing, but he took down a good half of it, killed 200-something people.
<img src=“http://www.rpgclassics.com/staff/tenchimaru/td.gif”> I wasn’t kidding. I’ve honestly never heard of him before. Although I remember reading something about a bombing at a government building back when I was 11 or so… but that happened with a truck bomb.
Originally posted by d Galloway I’m for the Death Penalty, but not the way it’s used in California and Texas. It should be used only in the most extreme of extreme cases, such as when a guy rapes seven teenage girls and murders about seven thousand people.
So murdering a thousand people is as bad as raping one?
Originally posted by AngelOfTheLion Personally, I don’t agree with the death sentence. The death sentence used to be in place in Britain and recently, there have been several cases where new evidence has shown that innocent people were hung for crimes they didn’t commit. In the end, it’s almost impossible to be 100% sure in all cases that the party involved was guilty.
Yeah, and now look what’s happening to Britain. Paedophiles being released to reoffend, murderers going free all the time. Our prisons are overcrowded. And our crime rates are escalating, because there is no deterrent for terrible crimes. I think if you kill out of malice, you give up your rights to life. I don’t see why killers and rapists should be given a cushy cell with a TV and day trips out.
With today’s advances in technology, definite evidence can be accumulated. And if the crime can be proven, and the death sentence is appropriate, I think it should be dished out.
Actually, the majority of our prisons aren’t filled with murderers. The majority of people are in prison for more petty crimes like burglary or more serious crimes like assault, and a hell of a lot of them are linked to drugs. The prisons are so overcrowded due to the high percentage of people who reoffend (in a lot of cases, these are drug users trying to feed a habit). Very few of these crimes would actually warrant the death sentence so even if it was brought back in, it wouldn’t free up too many places in prisons. The main problem is that rehabilatation systems which are in place aren’t functioning properly (often due to lack of funding), and many people are simply getting put into prison again and again.
And as for the other point about paedophiles being released, in most circumstances they are carefully monitored as they need to be. As far as I remember, there haven’t been any cases where released paedophiles have actually harmed any children.
It’s obvious that the legal system in this country often gets their verdicts wrong. Look at Ian Huntley. He was cleared of rape a few years back and most people now think that it was probably the wrong verdict and he went on to murder two children. In that case, police checks failed to actually find any data on him and he was allowed to work in a school. That’s just another problem with the system, but it doesn’t mean that the death penalty should be reintroduced, just that more government money needs to be invested into an ailing system.
On a sidenote, I was watching a program on TV the other week about this subject, and the families of murder victims were actually saying that they would like to see the murderers rot for their entire lives in prison than have the death penalty imposed. There was one person that I remember in particular saying that if the death penalty was given to their daughter’s murderer they would fight it, as they believed they would be sinking to his level by having him be killed. Another family just hoped that the murderer would actually change and become a better person. Whether or not that would ever happen I don’t know, but I still don’t agree with killing in general.
My thoughts on this one are quite simple: Death, imprisonment, so long as it keeps dangerous people out of society I don’t particularly care which it is. :noway: