Damn you, Sega!

Crap, crap, crap! Every time I think I’m completely done, that I could never go back and do that crap again, Sega goes and <A HREF=“http://www.sega.com/games/game_temp.php?game=psobb”>releases it again</A>! Oh, I’m sure there’ll be pretty new content and blah blah blah. Damn them! And then, when I’m done with that, they’ll release PSU! GRAAAAAAAAAHHHH!

Meh, just another mmo that I’m not going to buy.

That’s the thing, it’s free. It’ll be a free download.

I really REALLY wish I could play online games through tunnelling now. :frowning:

hmmm, if it is actually free I may give it a shot next semester

If it’s free, I’ll try it, too. DAMN YOU, PSO. Which would subsequently turn into a long session that sucks my soul away.

I’d normally jump anything with a “free” tag on but I’ll pass on this one. Like you said, PSO might be addictive but it really sucks.

By the way, has anybody heard anything about that PS1 remake lately or they just canned the project altogether?

Conspiracy picked up the US rights, plan to publish it on PS2. It’s going to be in a bundle pack with remakes of Phantasy Star 2 and 4.

<A HREF=“http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/244442.asp”>Clicka, clicka.</A>

That makes Seraph a very happy boy :smiley:

Would it kill Sega to make a NEW, NON-MMO Phantasy Star game?

That makes me want to buy a PS2. That, DQ8, and Dynasty Warriors 5.

Um, PSIII is the one where you play through generations, not PSIV…


Who said otherwise? And for the record, I love them with every inch of my body for skipping PSIII. I love the series but good Lord that game sucked.

They do, they make PSO.


I wonder if they’ll make a working camera for it in this version.

You know you all were thinking it :stuck_out_tongue:

Apparantly, Phantasy Star Universe will have a full non-MMO offline story mode, and the only thing it will have in common with the online mode is the battle system.

Live through three generations to conquer monstrous mutations in Phantasy Star IV


Sat, damn Sega for making Virtua Quest, NOT for releasing any sort of thing related to Phantasy Star.

IT MUST BE MINE!!!1!!1!11!111elevenses